Heavy Lightning by
                                 Scott Jiang
                                Kakauna, WI
                                  60 people
                                Old dog track
Hey everybody, it's Scott this my first time submiting so I'm hoping it goes well.Anyways, here's my deck and how I did.
                       Heavy  Lightning
                           Pokemon 13
        3xRocket Zapdos(in my opinion is the best card. . .)
        3xBase Electabuzz (solid quick hitter)
        3xNeo Cleffa (only way of getting a hand when againt slowking)
        2xDitto(great counter againt Sneasel)
        2xDiscovery iggybuff(to counter pesty power)
                           trainers 31
        4xOak(you'd have to be stupid NOT to include this card in your deck)
        4xComputer Search
        4xEnergy removel
        3xGold berry
        3xitem finder
        3xGust of wind
        2xSprout tower
        2xS. Energy removel
                           energy 16
        2xdouble colorless
     Round  1  kid with raindance deck
     in my opening hand I drew Zap, Cleffa, 1 energy, and trainers. I laid down  Zap active and he only had a Squrtile I won the flip and laid a energy on Zap and k.O. his Squrtile to win the game.    1-0
    Round 2 guy with slowking deck
     this game was longer. i drew 2 Cleffa's, a energy, a lass, and other trainers.He had Sneasel out and poke on the bench i won the toss again and laid Cleffa and lassed away a oak and other good trainers. Then I eeeeeeked and drew a buzz and and some trainers. He attached a rainbow and tried fury swipes and failed. I laid buzz with a gold berry and a energy and shocked his Sneasel. He fury swiped and got 2 heads and did 20 damage to buzz.idrew a Tower laid it and another energy to buzz and punched for 50 with pluspower. He only had poke and didn't draw any more pokemon so in 2 turns I won.      2-0
   Round 3 kid with haymaker
    this game was somewhat hard but i still managed to pull off a win. He only had a Scyther and energy and drew some removels. When he had Scyther powered i had Zap fully powered and knocked out Scyther to win again!       3-0
    Semifinals against kid with dark deck
    This game was pretty hard mainly because I had bad draws.He had seansel and murcrow benched while I had Zap and energy.He mainly domitned until I drew a Oak and got a great hand to win the game.4-0
    FInals against guy with gater deck
    this game was similar to my first one he only drew Toditile and I drew Zap with pluspower laid them both and Oaked Searched for another pluspower and oaked agained and luckly i drew the last one and won the game!        5-0
-me getting great boosters
-Lass helping me win almost all of my games
        I didn't lose a game and had lots of fun and I hoped you enjoyed my killer deck report! Oh, and feel free to email me at junwang@tcbi.com