Electrewiggle v1(Electic)
by Brett Te Slaa
Toys "R" Us Pokemon league
Holland, Michigan 
Saturday August 11th,2001
4 Voltorb(R)
2 Electrode(base)
1 Electrode(jungle)
2 Jigglypuff
2 Wigglytuff
2 Magnemite(R)
2 Magneton(base)
1 Magneton(fossil)
1 Tyrogue
1 Elekid
3 Electabuzz(base)
1 Ditto
4 Bill
1 Recycle
1 Super Energy Retrieval
1 Super Energy Removal
1 Energy Removal
1 Plus Power
1 Computer Search
23 Electric
2Double Colorless
1st match against a doug with a haymaker Deck
I started with a Voltorb and jiggly he had caterpie and spinereck. I go first I pc search a plus power and speed ball for 30. He didn't
have any energy so it was my turn. I speed ball again caterpies out.I draw an electrode as my prize.He does String shot for 10. I use Electric Shock for the kill and the win!
2nd match against another electric deck
I really dont remember this match except that i won. But it was close I think.
3rd match against Alakazam dcek
I started off with Elekid and Tyrogue I use smash punch for 30
my opponents attak misses. I smash again for thirty. and knock out
Kadabra. I pick an Electabuzz and atach an energy. Tryogue is Knocked out by Espeons Psybeam.I move up buzz and thunder punch for 30. Espeon psybeams but Im not cunfused. I punch for the kill and my prize is a magnemite. buzz fainted by a jynx i atach DCE
to manemite and pc search a magneton.magneton holds out the next turns as i power him up.then i selfdistruct for the win!
this is a great deck that really works but now its tim for pros and slops
-props to my friends mom for taking us
-props to electrodes buzzap
-props to Toy R Us for holding the tourney
-props to pojo.com and all who work on it.its a great site
-props to electrode and ditto and magneton and wigglytuff and electabuzz
-i have no slops right now
thanks for reading^_^  ^_^
If you want to e-mail or chat with me you catch me at brettski_40@hotmail.com