OLD SCHOOL HAY BY:JASON HOUSTON,TX. AUG.II L.KING COLLECTIBLES 20 PEOPLE Some people say that the Haymacker is dead.Sorry wrong!And I can proove it my deck is so good!Here is the deck ----12 pokemon------- 2 Hitmonchan 2 Rocket's Hitmonchan 3 Electabuzz 2 Ditto 2 Scyther 1 Igglybuff ----18 energy------- 7 Fighting 7 Electric 4 DCE ----30 trainers------ 3 Comp search 3 Item Finder 1 Resistance Gym 1 Eco Gym 2 Gust 4 Plus Power 3 0ak 1 Elm 2 NGR 2 Lass 3 Removal 2 Super Removal 12+18+30=60 On to the report:) Round One: Me v.s. Guy with Sabrina deck I really thought I was going to loose.Don't remember much but I killed his Sabrina abra with Ditto for the win. 1-0-0 Round 2: Me v.s. Lady with Lugia deck Not much compotition it just took awayal.I KO'ed all her colorless pokes with Hitmonchan.took her 6-2. 2-0-0 Round Three: Me v.s. kid w/sneasle zappy (sneasle is a ^%$&*) He messed up my hand early and i could just sit there and watch sneasle murder my poke friends. 2-1-0 Round Four: me v.s. kid with colorless deck If I lost This round I would be out. Anywayz,i really stalled for a while and he decked himself. 3-1-0 there was a tie so I had to play to get in.It was sudden death. I had Hitmonchan he had buzz i tried to get a first turner. i oaked and did not get crap.in 3 turns he had r. zappy and elecroburned for the game. well I lost and did not get Jack! Thanx for readen.peace out j.herren@worldnet.att.net