sup there itz jay and here is my PSYCOTIC-STALLER!

3 abra (wheres alakazam come from???)
3 kadabra (pretty good w/ 50 damage)
3 alakazam (30 damage confused switch damage need i say more?)

3 gastly (fossil) (10 damage poisoned)
3 haunter (fossil) (nightmare... 10 damage asleep)
3 gengar (need i say anything??????????)

2 chansey (staller)
20 pkmn

2 scoop ups (1 word- chansey)
2 bills (simple/easy, draw 2 cards)
1 prof.oaks (no cards but need 'em???)
1 imposter prof. oaks (for those pesky evolutions)
1 S. Potions (gengar alakazam so forth...)
1 Potions    '                           '
10 trainers

30 psycic energies (hmmmmmmmmm i wonder hhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm)
2 D.C.E.

this is a great decking deck you just have chansey(2x) on bench then
use alakazams pkmn pwr and switch it to them, then when they have low
life scoop 'em up! then use gengars pkmn pwr and switch their damage
around for those pesky *cough cough BENCHED NOT SO POWERED-UP CHARIZARDS
cough cough*!!! hehehe

maybe a Hitmonlee w/ stretch kick 4 extra help on Mr. Mimes OR charizards.

ps. a Mewtwo (base) also helps w/ barrier and 10+
pps. and Mr. Mime for charizard blastiose etc.
ppss. charizard maybe but i doubt it (it sux)

me vs. James w/ no evolutions
started out w/ abra + gastly as basics abra out he had an electabuzz
only, we flipped the coin and i called heads, i went first. abra does
10 and hes paralyzed but he had a full heal and did thundershock w/ no
paralysis. i evolved atached an energy. he atached enery + did thunderpunch
but got tails for 10 damage. i put another energy and used super psy.
i won due to no bench

me vs. Victor w/ jiggling cheese maker.
start out w/ no basics, but then got a gastly, 2 abras, a chansey, he
got 2 scythers and a jigglypuff/wigglytuff he starts and puts me to sleep
but wake up so i put out abra attach energy and attack hes paralyzed
but he uses full heal and attaches an energy and evolves then puts me
to sleep i don't wake up and i then put down other chansey and evolve
my abra and put an energy he attaches and does do the wave for 30 and
then i pick up attach energy and super psy him and then he does do he
wave for another 40 and im dead but bring out other abra, i get no energy
so i pass and he does do the wave and i die so i send out gastly and
get haunter and evolve so then i pass and he attacks for yet another
40 damage so i go and i get gengar and pass he does 40 to kill and im
forced to use chansey so i pass then he does 40 and then i get an energy
but still can't attack so pass he does 40 and i just pass then kills
my chansey so go and send out my other chansey but man im annoyed so
he gets another scyther to tack on 10 more damage for 50 i get an energy
and attach it so he gets jigglypuff for 60 and i get a bill and draw
energy and s. potion i use super potion and atach energy but does 60
and i lose

for more info e-mail me at
or w/ changes on the deck