Mint Card Company
May 20
Fought 5 people

Hey this is Shaun Rogers (formerly ShaunX) with another deck report.  I
decided to try out Henry- Micheal Brown's Cleaner for tworeasons: 1. Arcanine
is my fave Pokemon and 2. It's not very often you find a good deck that uses
fewrares, and I felt like proving my point to the people at the local touny
scene.  I used my Wavemaker for the tournament b/c I am a very serious
competitor (don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be playing if it wasn't fun) but
challenged people who had different archetypes to duels.  Anyways, I should
list the deck since I had to make minor changes due to certain cards not
being available to me b/c they are in my Haymaker/Funtime deck:

10 Fire
9 Grass

4 Koffing
2 Tangela
4 F. Magmar
3 Growlithe
3 Arcanine (I took out a Lass since Arcanine is the backbone)
3 Lickitung

4 Bill
4 ER
2 Lass
1 Scoop Up
2 Potion (to replace the other two Scoops)
4 GOW (1 is the replacement for the 2nd Oak)
2 Energy Retrieval
1 Oak

Pretty much get 3 prizes with Basics, then bring out Arcanine (aka the

p.s. Sorry but Ican't remember every detail cuz I'm out of it.  However I
will just go through the general strategies to use against each archetype

    Against Rain Dance, I used Koffing, Tangela, and Lickitung until I had 2
prizes left, then he only had a Dewgong and a Lapras.  I had two Arcanines
out and powered so I let hell break loose then.

    Against Stall, I just got out Arcanine out quickly so I could get out
one-hit KOs to prevent Damage Sawp and Scoop Ups from being used and soon
overpowered his caharacters even after he tried to take an offensive.  The
only time I used anyone else was Koffing and Tangela against te Mimeshe had

    Against Haymaker, I used Koffing and Tangela to poison and confuse until
I got out Arcanine who can take out all Hay Pokemon w/ 1 swipe of Take Down. 
I just got my Potions up to keep him alive. 

    I also fought Potpourri, which had Mimes and Magmars instead of
Hitmonchans.  The battle went about the same, except I went through all three
of my Arcanines to ikill him.

    The last battle I got fight before the store closed was against a Sponge.
 I basically tried not to use Koffing if at all posibble because of the MP
Mewtwos, but had to sac two of them to power up other Pokes.  I eventually
got two Arcanines out and retreated the Lickitung I was using to kill off his
2 Mewtwos, and his Buzz.

    I'd just like to say thanks to all the people who took their time to
battle me and to the Potpouri and Sponge people for building the deck there
so I could test it.  I hope I've proven the point of this deck to the people
Henry-Micheal Brown didn't that YOU DON'T NEED 25 HOLOS TO WIN! 

oops, the first time I forgot my email. ....