Dear Pojo

The name of my deck is HYDROFIRE. I come from the UK. I have only just
started the Pokemon leage and got my first badge. The name of the shop where
i play is called The Last Picture Show, anyway heres my deck!

4 Energy removals
2 Energy retrievals
3 Potions
1 Super potion
1 Full heal energy

13 Fire
13 Water
1 DC energy
1 Rainbow energy

2 Charmeleons
3 Charmanders
1 Moltres
1 Arcanine
2 Growlith
1 Blastoise
2 Wartortels
3 Squirtels
1 Dewgong  
2 Seels
1 Clefable
1 Clefairy

First match
Me vs cheating kid 
This kid is always cheating getting points for matches he did not play. This
kid was totaly scared of my fire deck because he had a grass deck.The
matchgot underwayi got an alright hand 2 charmanders 1 charmeleon and 3 fire
energy. I played my charmander  and i drew a charizard yes! He played a
scyther with a dc energy oh no!
I  drew a dc energy and put it on charmander i evolved him in to charmeleon
and slashed away. The guy knew that he was going to lose from the start but
he would not give up. He played a bulbasaur andput a energy under him. I
evolved my charmeleon and riped his deck apart
Match 2
Me vs water deck
This match went very quickly i drew a seel a dewgong  1 dc energy and 3 water
energy . I played my seel he played a squirtel. I nocked out his squirtel
using head butt and he was getting no energy what so ever and i was he he he!
After a while he had no basic pokemon.
The kid looked realy sad so i tried to cheer him up by saying at least you
got 10 points then he just ran to his dad.

3rd and final match
me vs 15 yr old guy
this was a difficult match but i pulled through. i drew agood hand a clefairy
a clefable
a dc energy  2 fire and 1 water energy. he played a charmander and i played
my clefairy. I stalled him with sing so i could pump my clefairy up and it
worked. I then evmy clefairy into clefable on my 3 rd turn or so. i used
metrenome and nocked out his charmander after two metrenome embers he then
came up with a couple of lame cards like caterpie and weedle he probably had
a beedrill and butterfree hiding in his deck. He then benched a scyther and
started pumping it up, in play was my clefable and a nidoran i used his horn
hazard but the damn coin would not go on heads for me but would for
him.Finaly the coin would land on heads for me and i was on a streak, i
nocked out his nidoran and used potion on my clefable. he played his scyther
and did some seriose slashing, but so did i and i used my potions wisely and
after a while i nocked out his scyther and won because he gave it up.
Yes undefeated.
it was a great day and i had lots of fun i go now every week to the pokemon
leage and love it.
If you have any comments on my deck then mail me at