Hero's Aren't Hard to Find
Charlotte, NC
Saturday, May 13, 2000

What's up everyone?  I attended a tournament using my WigglinChan maker. 
About 15 people showed up and there was a $5 entry fee.  Here's the deck list.

4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
3 Hitmonchan
3 Scyther
2 Ditto

4 Bill
2 Professor Oak
3 Challenge
4 Pluspower
3 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
3 Gust of Wind
3 Scoop Up
3 Energy Removal

13 Fighting Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy

The strategy of this deck is quite obvious, power up Wigglytuff ASAP using
Bill's, Oaks, Challenges, and Computer Searches.  Then, combine him with a
Pluspower to spell instant death to most any Haymaker Pokemon.

Well, on to the report.  (Sorry if some of these details aren't correct, I'm
writing this kind of late so some minor details may be wrong)

Round 1
Vs. Nobody, I got a bye. 

Round 2
Vs. Kid with Water/Fire
This match went pretty quick.  He was using a Charizard/Blastoise deck but I
never saw any of the evolutions, just plenty of basics.  I got 'Tuff powered
up turn 2 and wrecked havoc on his Squirtles and Charmanders.  Before I had
collected all of my prizes he had to leave.  Win.

Round 3
Vs. Mark R. with Magmar/Electabuzz Haymaker
We started with my Hitmonchan against his 2 Electabuzz.  I knocked out 1 of
his Electabuzz after 2 jabs.  He then brought out Magmar and stalled me with
smokescreen.  I now started to power up 'Tuff on my bench.  A couple turns
later, I retreated the Hitmonchan, brought out Wigglytuff, and did the wave
for 60 damage and a knockout (I had jabbed earlier).  He brought out an
Electabuzz and thundershocked, no paralyze.  I dropped a pluspower and did
the wave for 70.  That was his last basic.

Round 4
Vs. Mark M. with Moltres Wildfire
I was hoping I could use my Deck's speed to my advantage and get 6 prizes
before I ran out of cards.  But this plan backfired, TERRIBLY.  His deck was
built MUCH better than I expected, he had ER's, SER's, and Item Finder's a'
plenty.  I was never able to get enough energy on my Pokemon to knock out any
of his pokemon.  In the end, I decked myself.

That was probably my worst loss ever.  But oh well, I still made it to the

Vs. Mark R. With Magmar/Electabuzz Haymaker
My deck didn't work so fast this time.  We started with my Ditto against his
Scyther.  I stalled a few turns with ER's while powering up my bench.  By
now, he had got out Marmar and was using smokescreen.  Finally, on turn 4 or
5 I had 'Tuff ready so I scooped up Ditto, brought out 'Tuff, dropped a
Pluspower, and knocked out his Magmar.  A couple more turns of Waving
finished off an Electabuzz and a Scyther.  He was out of basics so I won.

Vs. Mark M. with Moltres Wildfire
Before the game started I heard him say he was ranked #12 in the world, this
made me pretty nervous.  Well, I was going to play totally different against
him this time.  That meant no bills, oaks, or challenges.  After a few of his
ER's and SER's, I powered up a Wigglytuff and knocked out his Zapdos with a
pluspower (I had used pound earlier).  I then knocked out a couple Moltres
with Pluspowers also.  Soon I was running out of cards, with 2 prizes left
and a 'Tuff with 1 fighting energy.  I searched for a DCE, and Waved his
Chansey.  He then Scrunched and got heads.  I gust of wind out his Moltres,
Item find a pluspower for a knock out.  Next turn I finished off the Chansey.
Great Game!  I got 1st place and got 7 Base Set Boosters. 

Props & Slops
PROPS to my dad for taking me.
PROPS to a kid for trading me 2 venusaurs for my fossil dragonite.
SLOPS to the bad turn out.  Wish there had been more people.

Well, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.

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