Muskegon, Michigan
Toys 'R' Us
about 75 people

hey it's Lufta here. I learned much about Pokemon this week at the league.
What you say you think that people that know pretty much all about Pokemon
can learn more? Well I learned something that made me feel deeply, very
deeply for Pokemon.
Anyway I got 200 points and my boulder badge. Pretty good for only being
there 2 Weeks.

23 Grass energy

3 Scyther
3 Tauros
3 Grimer Fossil
1 Dark Muk
1 Muk
4 Ekans Rocket
3 Dark Arbok

2 Nightly Garbage Run
4 Bill
3 Oak
2 Item Finder
4 Plus Power

1st battle vs. kid with Multi color deck.
well last time I gave him deck tips and he used them in his deck he was a
little harder then last time anyway this is what happened. I go first he's
active is a machop Rocket I have a Scyther. Bill, grass energy on Syther
swords dance. ( Put ekans on my bench.) Oppents turn, does nothing my turn.
energy on ekans slash KO. he sends out a gastly base set. ( man there are
loads of gastlys and haunter base set around here.) Evolves to haunter Base
Set. Hypnosis, sleep check heads slash 30 damage. Oppents turn, Hypnosis
sleep check tails. I pass sleep check heads. Hypnosis sleep check heads.
slash KO. He's out of basics. I win!!!!


2nd battle
vs multi color deck.
I go first he sends out Eevee I send out Scyther.
Energy on Scyther Swords Dance.
His turn attach Water energy to eevee passes.
My turn Slash for the kill.


battle 3 Vs. Dark Blastiose deck
he goes first.
He leads with a eevee and me with a ekans. attachs W energy tail wag tails.
My turn energy on ekans bite 10. he goes tail wags tails. I go energy on
ekans attach 1 Plus Power poisin check heads. poisin knocks him out . Out
comes a R squirtle. DCE on squirtle evolves to Dark wartortle passes my turn.
energy on ekans evooolve to Dk Arbok. Poisin Vapor. He evolves to Dk
Blastiose and rocket tackles heads.  I power Up Scyther on the bench.
Scythers fully powered. Pass dk abok goes down Scyther slashes. Rocket tackle
tails slash for the KO. He's out of basics I win!!!

Me Vs Charizard Water Deck.
Ok I go first he sends out Growlith and I send out ekans. Energy on Ekans
Bite. His turn. His turn energy on a charmander my turn. Ok he keeps on
sending out growliths and squirtle base set to stall while he pumps up his
charmander now that little char is a charizard with 3 energy on it! He sends
out his charizard and the prize count is me 3 him 5. oppents turn he has to
send out Charizard and puts a Snorlax on the bench. Right know it's Charizard
vs a dark arbok with no Damage counters on it. and anotherone fully pumped on
the bench. then the unthinkable happens he reteats charizard discarding all
of his charizards energy and sends out a Snorlax! So this happens for a
couple turns snorlax gets pumped up while Dark Arbok is poisin vaporing
however not poising because of Snorlaxs Power. It looks bad. Snorlax has 50 H
left and I have an Oak and a Dk Arbok Active and a 3 energy benched grimer I
play two plus powers on dark arbok Oak and get Muk evolve grimer and Get
Ekans and DK Arbok. prize count me 3 him 4. I Get a good hand there kill Dk
Snorlax wih poisin! OUt comes a Growlith and kills Dk Arbok out comes a
Syther. He almost kills Growlith but he reteats for charizard I KO him and Ko
Growlith. I win!


Me Vs poor girl
This is what tought me a lesson about Pokemon today. This girl wasn't a poor
penny needy girl her right hand was just a little way away from her elbow. It
as a problem hand that was so small she couldn't even move her fingers. they
where smaller then a babys fingers much smaller. She shuffled pretty good but
I could see her hand so I told her I wanted to have a clean battle and I
would play with my hand open for her to look at. She wasn't very old maybe 7
but she knew how to play. She played with a water deck much like a overgrowth
deck without the grass. She played wih the same cars I use to play with and
that really touched my heart that somebody wouldn't carre if people looked at
her hand and laughed at her she came to play Pokemon just like me you and
everybody else out there. Anyway I'm sorry this is such a long thing for one
battle but it really made me think about what Pokemon is really about. So on
with the battle. She started with a staryu vs my Scyther and she went first.
She slaped me for 20. I put a DCE on Scyther her turn. slaped me again for
20. I added a grass to scyther and a plus powewr to knock out staryu. She
then sent out another staryu only to be Ko quickly. If I see her again I will
ask to see her deck to make a copy of it.


me vs Psy guy
he starts with a gastly Base set me with a Tauros I stomp for the KO. Send
out a abra no energy on him stomp with  a plus power. I win

Me vs Cheap hay
I go first he starts with a Machop Base set and a rattata base set. I g first
with scyther. Energy on scyther swords dance. He puts a fighting energy on
Rattata my turn DCE on scyther slash. Out comes rattata bite my turn slash. 
I win!

Me vs Growlith guy
This guy was crazy about growlith he would revive them Scoop them up, Mr Fuji
them. Potio Super Potion them every thing to keep them alive I played him 3
times in a row and creamed him every time.

Well that's it for me this time see ya
