My deck is a combination of an Are power, Haymaker and a Zap deck types.

My deck is as follows:

3 Electabuzz
3 Base Zapdos

3 Promo (movie) Mewtwo

2 Aerodactyl

4 Mysterious Fossil
3 Challenge
2 Pokemon Trade
4 Gust of wind
3 Plus Power
3 S.E.R.
3 E.R.

15 Lightning Energy
10 Psychic Energy

I usually play in the league at the books-a-million in Greenville, South

Here is my first tournament battle on June 18, Y2K:

My first opponent was a Fighting, Colorless deck.
He started out with 2 Jigglys,
I had Electabuzz, Mewtwo and a Mysterious.
I barley had survived with only 30HP left (on account that I kept falling
asleep) and then his other Puffball finished him off.
I sent mysterious out and got another  Electabuzz which killed it pretty fast
with plus power.
He had put down Hitmonlee and had 2 energys on, I used S.E.R. and retreated
and sent Mewtwo and sponged out the energys. Next turn, I had won my first

I can't remember losing more than once when my friend Craig ripped out a
G.O.W. and killed my Aero power.

Thanks for reading my deck.

If you have any suggestions, I'll be glad to get mail at: