Hey there Pojo, well this is my first time writing a killer deck report, so
please post this!

Tounament held in:    Max and Moritz, Fine Toys and Games.
Ammount of people:    6
Location:             St. George, Utah. At 6:30 PM on Friday 6-31-00

My deck is pretty much you would expect from an Water/Psychic deck. Although
it doesn't have some *good* cards, it still kicks butt. The whole stratedgy
consist of the following scenarios:

1. When your opponent puts down only one or two basic pokemon at the first.
If he/she does, power up hard hitter like Golduck, Dark Golduck,
Poliwhirl/Poliwrath, and if you want to kill the opponents both Benched and
active pokemon, then you the al-mighty Gengar.

2. If your opponent has a lot of basic guys and no energy, Use Golduck, or
even Poliwrath. Wash away there energy so there constantly looking for bill
and Proffessor Oak to find more. The whole point of this stradegy it to deck
the opponent.


My deck...Psychic wa-wa..

Trainers (11):

3 Bill: Isn't it only obvious? He's always good to have in a deck.

2 Energy Removal: This is great with Golduck and Poliwrath!

2 Switch: Only for the high retreat cost guys liek Poliwrath...

2 Professor Oak: I don't like using him much but sometimes he can be way

2 Gust Of Wind: If you feel uneasy about the opponenst actuve pokemon.

Energy (23):

1 Double Colorless Energy.

11 Water Energy.

11 Psychic Enrgy.

Pokemon (26):

3 Abra: Make these Rocket. There better then the Base.

3 Kadabra: Make 2 Dark and 1 Base. The Dark is pretty good, with the pokemon
Power. And the Base is okay for heavy damage.

1 Dark Alakazam: He is the best hit-and-run pokemon invented. Do Teleport
blast then switch him with poliwrath. To do 50 damage plus an energy

3 Gastly: Make 2 fossil and 1 Base. The base one isn't that good but, hey,
you never know.

2 Haunter: Have one bve fossil and the other one be base. The fossil is the
best Wall pokemon, and the base is a nice staller also.

1 Gengar: The ultimate bench killer. Him and Gust Of Wind will Do alot of
damage together.

1 Kangaskhan: Only use him for emergencies! He can help you do the damge you
need and get the cards you might want.

1 Jigglypuff: I love jigglypuff, if you want to, you can replce Kangaskhan
with a Wiggylytuff.

3 Poliwag: Deal some eraly damage early, then evolve into a monster.

2 Poliwhirl: He can deal damage and stop from being attacked. Even better he
can evolve into a bigger monster.

1 Poliwrath: Yeah! He's fun to beat people with, espescially with WhirlPool

3 Psyduck: The rocket one is good but I like the fossil better...I don't
know why either...

1 Dark Golduck: Are you Kiddin'? He should be in every Psy/water deck!!

1 Golduck: Wash away energyu and deal dmage..I like that...



Match: Me vs. Some little Kid with a Ground/Grass

Round 1:

This kid had just barely learned the pokemon game, so I had I hopes of
winning. I dream my 7 cards and got a poliwag, poliwhirl, 2 psy energy, and
3 water enrgy. I won the coin flip, so I put down poliwag, and put a water
enrgy on him. He went and brought out his Onix. He dealed ten damage to me,
I dream a card, and it was a Gengar. I ut another enrgy under poliwag and
did 20 damage. He went and layed down a sandshrew. He dealed 10 damge to me
too. I drew a gastly, put that down, and attatched a water enrgy to poliwag
and evolved to poliwhirl. I did double slap, and got 30 damg out of it. He
put out is sandshrew and did 10 to me. I drew and Poliwrath! Yay! I put an
enrgy under gastly, and did double slap, again I got 30. He evolved his
Sandshrew and dealed 20 damage. Dang. I quickly evolved into a poliwrath.
Attached an enrgy, and killed his sandslash. He brought out his onix, did
ten damge,a nd I did Whirlpool, so he has 30 Life left. He didn't have any
energy to attach to Onix, so I whirlpooled for the KO. He had no Basics so I
won the 1 round.

2'nd Round:

It was pretty much the same as the first round, except I killed all of his
ground with my dark alakazam. He had no Basics, so I won again.

Match 2. Me Vs. an Annoying Kid with Fire/Water deck:

Round 1 (from here on theres only 1 round to a match):

I'm sorry to say, but he was annoying. Always screaming. I started out with
a god hand, a gastly, psyduck, abra, and 4 Psy enrgy. I put out Gastly, and
put the opponents charmaner asleep. He didn't wake up so I drew another
card. a Dark Golduck! I attached an enrgy to Psyduck and evolved him. Still
asleep, it was his turn. He awoke, and dealed 10 damge to me. I drew a Dark
Kadabra, Attached an enrgy to Abra, and put him back to sleep. He was still
asleep at the end of his turn, so I brought out Golduck, did Super Psy, and
Char breathe was dead. He brought out lonely Squirtle, he didn't have any
enrgy attached so It was my turn. I drew a Dark Alakazam, attached an
enerygo to Abra and evolved into Drk Kadabra. Did 50 damage, he was dead. He
had no basics, so I won the game.

Match 3 Final Match.. Me vs. Some kid with a Water/Ground deck

This kid was bragging to me about how his deck washed away the others.
So I started out with a poliwag, and Dark Golduck, and the rest water
energy. I put down Poliwag, attached an enrgy, and dealed 10 damage. He put
down a onix on his bench, and Magikarp as active, He attached an energy and
did 10. I drew a poliwrath, attached an enrgy to poliwag, did 20 damge and
killed magikarp. He scremed at this because he was about to evolve his 1
enrgy Magi into a gyrados. He Put his onix out, and did 10, I got poliwhirl,
and evolved him and did Double Slap, Yes! 60 damage! He did 10 to me agian.
I drew a Gengar, did double slap, unfortunatly I got no damage >:( I would
of won too! He put down another magikarp. Oh-no. Then he did 10 damge again,
I evolved into poliwrath, killed onix. And drew a psy enrgy. He tehn evolved
his enrgyless magikarp. It was my turn. I did 50 damge with poliwrath. I had
no chance. If he attached enrgy i'll just discard it with whirlpool plus 40
damge. He drew a jiggly and put it down imediatly. I killed his Gyrados.
Pheeew. Jiggly wasn't gonna be that hard. I did 50 damge with water gun, and
in his turn, he put me to sleep! Unfortutly I didn't wake up, no big deal. I
used swith to switch poliwhrath with Dark Kadabra, I did his Mind Shock (no
resistance..YES!) And Killed him for the Win! YEAH!

Well It was my first win I got a Chansey, Mr. Mime, Promo Mew, Dark
Vileplume, a couple rare trainers, and a bunch of uncomnns and commons...Now
it's time for Props and Slops!

PROPS to the kid that traded me a Mewtwo...
SLOPS to the annoying kid that got to the semi-finals with me...
PROPS to A.J...He's pretty cool...
SLOPS to the kid that tried to steal my snorlax...

Well PLEASE post this Pojo!

Questions? Comments? Hate Mail? Mail to shinnokzx@hotmail.com