Well...it's me, D. Dalton once again to tell about a deck I used at a
tournament. It was in San Diego at a store called The Name of the Game, or
NotG. It was on june 24, 200 and a good 8 peeps showed up(still small isn't
it?). After my last deck Fear!!! I decided to try the pokemon leauge at the
K-B Toy Works over in encinitas, California with my sponge. The result,
hostile takeover by me. I decided to let all the little children play there
without the fear of me coming, so for the past 3 weeks or so, I've been at
NotG once again to reclaim my throne with Ben Johnson and Sean Anderson. I
was eager to get to NotG that particular day only because I had perfected a
deck that went against the whole metagame at the store, which was just about
everything you could think of.

Breakout v. 1.0

pokemon: 11
3 Electabuzz
3 Hitmonchan
3 Scyther
2 Ditto

Trainers: 31
4 Bill
3 Oak
2 Comp. Search
1 Item-finder
4 Energy Removal
2 Super energy Removal
4 pluspower
3 Gust of wind
3 Nightly Garbage run
2 Lass
3 Scoop-up

Energy: 18
7 fighting
7 Electric

   As you see, this deck could have a really bad problem with psychic, but
since I was the only one who knew how to use psychic to it's maximum
capability(Or so I thought), I felt pretty confident about using hitmonchan.

Unfortunately, Ben and Sean didn't show up, that meant I had to hold down
the fort today. As a turn of events though, some new people decided to show
that I had never seen before, which felt like there were some new decks on
the horizion here.....but enough explaining, it's time for my matches. It
was best two out of three, DCI Sanctioned, with four rounds involved.

Match 1 against (I forgot the name) with a deck that tried to get eevee
evolutions, then finish off with wigglytuff.

game 1: Eelctabuzz holds down the fort and keeps on punching everyone into
oblivion. Easy win for me.

Game 2: Hitmonchan and electabuzz alternate shots with some helpful
Scoop-ups involved. A Dark Vaporeon came up with 1 energy away from a energy
removal attack, but a Super Removal took care of Vaporeon and Hitmonchan
finished the job.

1-0 Matches, 2-0 Games

During the break, I see that 2 of the matches are still going on 45 minutes
after the matches started, and they were on their first game too!!!! Sudden
Death was called and that ended the matches quite quickly. I buy a jungle
pack and get my fourth scyther(holo) as well :)

Match 2 against Daniel and a electric/colorless deck that involved

Game 1: Hitmonchan takes the spotlight, but Daniel's Lickitungs provided him
with some time to try and build up his Magnemite. I got Scoop ups however
and did some breakout time on his fighting weak pokemon =)

Game 2: Daniel tries desperately to stall with Kangaskahn while I'm breaking
out with Electabuzz. Daniel gets to magneton however, and gets rid of my
buzz. Thankfully I had a benched scyther waiting to go up against his last
magnemite. I oak desperately to find a hitmonchan, and do some jabbing. It
works, and I go breakout style(kinda like a prision breakout).

In Between matches, I figure out my next opponent, Jason, was winning like
crazy and was kinda trash talking because he thought I had a secret weapon
which was hitmonchan........ which was far from true. I see another match in
progress and figure that Snorlax is on the rise here at NotG(why snorlax??

Match 3 Against Jason and Damage Swap.

My deck was never prepared for Damage swap. The only card that could give it
a hard time was lass, but if he top decked a good card, i knew it would be
over. Also, his deck used Lickitungs and Dragonairs with lots of removal
cards as well.

Game 1: His lickitungs were really annoying, I MEAN VERY ANNOYING!!!! He
flipped heads 7 times straight, knocking out my buzz. I strike back with
hitmonchan, but it proves usless when Jason gets out Alakazam and challenges
me, which I obviously denied(who in their right mind would accept a
challenge in a damage swap deck?). I see no lasses however(which were in my
prizes anyways) and get decked.

Game 2: I see Lasses....I see Jason's hand ruined..... I see a win....I see
game 3 which nobody got to when thy played Jason.

Game 3: A early game lass sees his hand down to 2 or less cards. Jason
couldn't get his Alakazam running, and I took prizes left and right. I got
down to 1 prize left, and I lass again to get rid of a breeder he was
holding for Alakazam. I see his 2 chanseys with 80 damage on each due to
chan and a pumped electabuzz and 3 scoops waiting to be used in case of
status effects. Chris, the store owner, comes over to see what's going on
since everybody was watching our match. Chris asks if he should call time,
but Jason immediately replies that we're okay, but I say call time since I'm
leading in prizes. Chris says to keep on going, which made me mad, but I
thought I could live with it, which is okay to me. Jason gets the best luck
and top decks a pokecenter which screws me badly. I decided to play stall,
using nightly garbage runs and only using paralying attacks like from
electabuzz. 5 minutes later, I have 11 cards in deck and Jason has 13. I use
my last Nightly Garbage Run to bring me in the lead. I had him scared, but
he gets an Item-Finder and gets a gambler set up and turns the tide on me,
and I end up decking myself :( .

matches 2-1...games 5-2

In between rounds, I check the standings. I see that for some reason, I'm
third, next to some dork that is all over-excited that he's second. Jason is
first obviously, but with the 1 game loss I gave him, I could have a chance
of winning if Jason goes against a lower ranked person, which doesn't happen

Round four against Matt (the over excited kid) with a deck that only God
knows how it made him second, which was fire-fighting with machops, dittos,
growlithes, arcanines, ninetails, machokes, rapidashes, chans, and lees. Did
I forget he had snorlax as well?

Match 1: My pokemon get pissed when I see that Matt has 6 pokemon(5 benched
and 1 active obviously). I do some breaking-out, and go on a rampage against
all of his pokemon(Rapidash, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Machoke, and Vulpix with
a dash of Growlithe).

Game 2: Pretty much the same thing, but Matt gets a ditto whcih brings some
pressure on my buzz, I scoop and send out ditto that gusts for hitmonlee and
do stretch kick to ditto(Ditto had 10 damage due to a tails on
thunderpunch). I repeat it again and knock out his ditto. I go for lee and
do high jump kick with a +power!!!!!! Then Matt send out the big guy he
called snorlax....which was Ko'ed due to scoop on ditto and 2 jabs con(with)
pluspowers involved.

Matches 3-1, Games: 6-2

Well I get second, obviously, only next to Jason and to this day I still
cannot beleieve he got so lucky and top decked a pokecenter. Was it luck
that killed me, or was it lack of preparation?No-One knows exactly what
happened with my deck however. I'm not sure if I can upgrade this deck,
since everything looks so balanced for a change. Rckets Sneak Attacks might
sound like a good idea, or maybe some goop-gas attacks. I'm still trying to
figure that out.

Props and Slops:
Props to Jason, he worked extensively on his deck, and he did deserve to win
putting as much devoition as he did into building his deck ;)
Props to me for no exact reason.
Props to you...yes you the viewer for reading this long report which took me
a long time to complete(4 hours actually).
Props Chris for some Crazy trades I made with him.
Props to whoever made the first haymaker(Which I tihnk is Brian Brokaw)
Props to Clefairy Doll, who helped me with my deck. although it was after
the tourney.
Props to the Foo Fighters on making the song, Breakout, which inspired me to
use it as the name of the deck.
Slops to my luck, for not helping me as much as I thought it would.
Slops to Matt, for getting pissed off when I beat the crud out of him, and
for being over-excited about second place....which I stole from him.
Very Small Slops to Chris for not calling time on the third game against
Very Small Slops to Ben Johnson for not coming(although he had a good
Slops to me cuz' I can't find any way to improve my deck.(though Clefairy
Doll gave me good advice :)
Slops to Jason, who was trash talking tohugh about a so called seceret
weapon that he thought I had......but I was trash talking as well,(well
almost) so we're pretty much even there.
Slops to everyone who kept on disturbing me during the third game between me
and Jason.
Slops to NotG since they haven't sent in the results of like the last 10
tourneys to DCI.
Slops to Apprentice, since there are lots of problems with it.(I hope there
will be another program to take over apprentice*cough*Tyler Grund*Cough*)

1 more thing... a review of all the decks I saw at NotG that day:
1. Breakout-me
2. Eevee-wiggly
3. Dugtrio-rapidash
4. non-raindance Water deck, which had no oaks, and no searches.
5. The fighting-fire deck I played.
6. Jason's Damage swap
7. Daniel's Magnemite deck.
8.(the interesting one) A Scyther/Pinsir deck that involved both Dragonites
dark and base and both dragonairs, with some snorlaxes mixed in.
If anyone wants to comment me about my deck, The Name of The Game, or any
ways into improving this deck, give me an E-Mail at DJD59@hotmail.com

-Dallas Dalton, otherwise known as (drumroll) Strike on the interent!!!!!!!

Until Next time!!!!!!!!