
June 24, 2000
Wizards Store
Seattle, WA
20 People Attending

4 Abra (2Base/2TR)
3 Kadabra (2Base/1TR)
2 Alakazam (1Base/1TR)
2 Gastly (Fossil)
2 Haunter (Fossil)
1 Gengar (Fossil)
1 Mewtwo (Movie Promo)
2 Electabuzz (Base)
2 Pikachu (Jungle)
1 Raichu (Base)
1 Zapdos (Fossil)
2 Imposter Oak's Revenge
2 Nightly Garbage Run
2 PlusPower
2 Bill
2 Switch
1 Gust of Wind
1 Full Heal Energy
13 Electric Energy
16 Psychic Energy

Battle one vs Blackout deck

I started out with 1 Electabuzz ,1 psy energy, 2
electric energy, 2 Abras, and Nightly Garbage Run. I
attached an electric energy to Electabuzz and
Thundershocked with Paralyze to his Farfetch'd, then
Thunderpunched to victory because he had no basics

Battle Two vs. Wiggly Deck

I started out with Pikachu, 4 lightning energy, 1
Abra, 1 psy energy. I attached 1 lightning energy to
Pikachu. He had no energy to attach to his Jigglypuff.
I then Sparked after attaching a lightning energy. He
then attached a DCE and PlusPower and pounded for 30.
I evolved and used agility.  Next turn, I used agility
for the win.

Battle Three vs. Water/Electric Deck
I started with no basics so he got to draw two extra
cards. The next hand I got I had 1 promo Mewtwo, 1
Abra, 1 Zapdos, 1 Kadabra, and 3 psy energies. I
attached a psy to Mewtwo. He attached a lightning to
his Pikachu. I attached another psy energy to Mewtwo.
He didn't do anything this turn but I attached a psy
to Mewtwo and Psyburned for 40 damage. He still
couldn't attack so I defeated his jungle Pikachu. I
switched Mewtwo with Electabuzz while he brought up
his squirtle while I Thundershocked with Paralyze. I
then Thunderpunched him to defeat his Squirtle. He
brought up another Pikachu and I Thunderpunched for 40
while he attached a lightning energy. I then
Thundershocked and got another prize for myself. He
then brought up a Wartortle with 3 energy. He then
used bite for 40. I evolved a Kadabra into Alakazam
and used damage swap to move it to my Mewtwo and
Thunderpunched for 30. He used bite and knocked out my
Electabuzz. I brought up my Mewtwo, damage swapped to
Alakazam. I used energy absorption while he bit my
Mewtwo for 40. I used Psyburn and knocked out his last

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