I'm back again, Pojo.
Place:The Danger Room in Anderson, Indiana
Date: June 24, 2000
Participants: 14(TERRIBLE!)
    Now for some reason the person that ran the tournament decided to play a
weird version of Swiss style for this tournament: We'd each play five times
and whoever had the highest point total at the end won. I changed some
elements in my deck to try to make it better for the late game but also
quicker. It went well for me, but i really need to find a store where DCI
tourneys are a guarantee( I've been to around 10 tournaments and they weren't
all sanctioned or else my record and ranking would be awesome.) Oh well, on
with the deck, then the report:
EXTINCTION 2K( Just a bit different from Extinction)

12 Fighting
4 Hitmonchan
10 Psychic
3 Mr. Mime
3 Movie Promo Mewtwo
4 D.C.E.
4 Scyther
4 Bill
4 G.O.W.
4 E.R.
3 Comp. Search
2 S.E.R.
2 Prof. Oak
1 Scoop Up( really don't like to have one of any card in a deck....any ideas,
Scott? :)

Round 1 VS. Kyle with Fire and Colorless
This deck was a weird one to play against. All i saw were base Dratinis and
Vulpix. I started Hitmonchan with a Scyther benched to his lone Dratini. He
went first and Pounded. I layed a F energy down and Jabbed. He energy
removaled me and pounded. I had no energy and no way to draw for energy so i
passed and he pounded away and drew a Vulpix. It went on like this for about
three turns till i finally got some energy after two bills and Koed him, then
brought out Scy and went crazy with my Trainers and beat three Vulpix for the
Round 2 VS. Skeeter with a Tuff/ Mewtwo deck
I went for quick kills and got 6 quickly with Hitmonchan taking out two Tuffs
and a puff, Scyther beating two Mewtwos and mew2 taking out a Ditto. Computer
search really helped me out this game as did Gusts. I just kept his
weaknesses out there and went after them.
Round 3 VS. Adam with just Grass( YUCK!)
This match was a quick one as well, i wish someone would tell these young
kids how to make decks. Oaks and a Computer Search later, I killed his
Venonat with Hitmonchan and gusted out two Nidoran males and killed them both
with Promo Mewtwo for the game.
Round 4 VS. Ry the Pokefreak with his awesome Haymaker
Finally i play a kid who is a good competitor and will give me a good game.
He's also my best friend at the Danger Room. This game was LOOOONG. It
eventually came down to me being able to beat his fighting pokes with Mew2
and then getting damage on his buzzes. He got four prizes on me i think. My
trainers won the game for me. I think i used every one in there at least
once. Props to Ryan for a good game and for finally posting his Haymaker on
the Almighty POJO!
Round 5 VS. Zach with Fire/ Fighting
I've played against him before and he'll give me a run for my money as well.
It came down to him stalling to try to deck me. He kept retreating his basics
and sending out fresh ones after my Mew2 would Psyburn but eventually i got
him totally damaged and killed his Magmar for the win. This guy was good as
Round 6 Vs. David with Fire/ Colorless
I had already won the tournament but they needed someone to play for the
other places so i did and this match was just about pointless because both of
us had already locked up our respective places. Oh, well. Hitmonchan killed
his puff, then i brought out Promo Mewtwo and ripped up his bench for the
quick 6-prize win. He said he just didn't really care if he won that one.
We've played before as well and he usually gives me a great game.

Well, i won. I got 6 packs but NO HOLOS! That stinks.
Props to Ryan the Pokefreak for finishing second for the second tourney in a
row. Now we are a consistent 1-2 punch, i guess.
Props to Scott Gerhardt and the Almighty POJO!
Slops to the DR for not making a guarantee that all their tourneys will be
bye for now,
Robby Haught
Questions, Comments, and Suggestions are greatly appreciated and can be sent