Sponge Beatdown v.2.0
by Trey
Game Keeper
Tysons Corner, Virginia
Wednesday, July 12, 2000
About 20 people
After winning my last torney with my Mewtwo's Torture Chamber Deck (in July Killer Decks) I decided to use my Sponge deck at the Pokemon league my friend JP usually goes to. Unfortunatly, JP was not there, but I knew two of the other people there. This deck plays pretty well, but I should probally take out a few energies. My strategy is to get MP Mewtwo pumped on turn two. But this deck plays good against Haymaker, Damage Swap, and Raindance. I haven't tested it on Wiggly decks, but with all this deck's ERs and SERs it should do well against them. Well, now for the deck........
Sponge Beatdown v2.0
9 Psychic Energies
8 Electric Energies
4 Electabuzz
3 MP Mewtwo
3 Scyther
2 Ditto
3 Bill
3 Oak
4 ER
3 CPU Search
3 Scoop Up
2 Item Finder
3 Gust of Wind
Battle One: Sponge Beatdown vs. Aero/Mew
This girl was playing pretty well with her deck, but unluckily for her Sponge beats the heck out of Aero/Mew decks. She started with a Jynx, and I started with MP Mewtwo. I couldn't get any NRGs on Mewtwo so I let her repeatily use Jynx's double slap, and keep removing her NRGs. Mewtwo had 6 damage counters on him, so I scooped him up. I attacked with 'Buzz, and killed off the Jynx. Then she sent out a damage-less Hitmonchan, and Jabbed me for 40. I retreated 'Buzz, and killed Hitmonchan with a MP Mewtwo. She attacked me with Mew for 60, I SERed her Graveler, and killed the Mew. Then she sent out a TR Mankey, and killed Mewtwo. I killed the TR Mankey with a Scyther with a PlusPower. She sent out the last Pokemon on the bench, Graveler, and attacked me for 10. Then I Slashed the Graveler, winning the game
Battle Two: Sponge Beatdown vs. (another) Aero/Mew
This guy was about 8 or 9, but his deck looked pretty good. But as I said, this deck flattens Aero/Mew decks. I started with MP Mewtwo against a TR Mankey (I don't why TR Mankeys are so popular around here. At least 4 people play them!) I went first, attached a Psychic NRG to Mewtwo, CPU Searched for Scoop Up discarding two Psychic NRGs. Then I Energy Absorbed them back onto Mewtwo. The game was pretty quick from then on. I kept removing his energy, and killed 2 Mew, 2 TR Mankey, and 2 Hitmonchan to win.
Battle Three: Sponge Beatdown vs. Robby's Undefeated Haymaker
This is one of the people I knew.  We had to wait to get a table because they were all full. We got a table, but then I lost my deck............(dramatic music) DUNN DUNN DUNN DUNN! After a about minute looking, I found it in the corner. Then after about 5 minutes of waiting, we finally started playing. And that wait was worth it! He was pretty tough. I started with Scyther to Fossil Magmar, and he Smokescreened me for 20. I retreated Scyther for Electabuzz, and paralysed him 3 turns in row. I pumped up MP Mewtwo on the bench, but he SER off Mewtwo's energies. I attached a lightning energy to 'Buzz, and Ko'ed the stupid Magmar. Then he Jabbed for 40 on 'Buzz with Hitmonchan. I scooped up 'Buzz, and sent out Ditto, attached a DCE to him, ERed Hitmo', and Jabbed. To my surprise, he didn't attach any Energy to Hitmonchan. He oaked, put down 2 scythers and started to pump them up. I ERed and SERed the Scythers, attached an NGR, and PlusPower to Ditto. Special Punched for 50, and drew a prize. He sent out Machop with no NRGs, and continued to pump up his Scythers. I killed off the little Machop in three turns. Then he sent out a Scyther. I ERed off its DCE, and slashed for 30. On my next turn I killed Scyther. Then he sent out another Scyther, which did 30 to Ditto. I just retreated Ditto for MP Mewtwo. To make a long story short, I Ko'ed 2 more Scythers to win.
Battle 4: Sponge Beatdown vs. Mono-Fire
I won the flip, and started with Ditto to Snorlax. I attached a DCE to Ditto, and passed. He attached a Fire NRG to Magmar (the base set kind) I attached a Lightning NRG to Ditto, gusted out Magmar, and Ko'ed it with flamethrower. He sent out Snorlax. I attached a DCE to Ditto and Body Slammed Snorlax for 30. Next turn I body slammed Snorlax again. He responded with a Super Potion. So I Body Slammed it again, and on the next turn I Body Slammed with a PlusPower, knocking out Snorlax. Then he sent out a Moltres, witch I killed by flipping heads with Dive Bomb. I won again. He said to the person sitting next to him, "Do you have any Dittos, cause there awesome!" She responded by saying," No, but I wish I had one."
Battles 5,6,7,8,9: Sponge Baetdown vs. Bad Psy/Lightning Deck
This guy was okay, but he had too many families in his deck. I beat him real quick in every game.
Game 1- This was one of the fastest games I've ever played. He got out 1 TR Slowpoke which I killed on turn two MP Mewtwo.
Game 2- He begged me to play again, so I did. He got out a MP Pikachu. I kept ERing it and It didn't get a chance to attack because of Electabuzz. Then he attaked with a Rocket Abra, which a killed in one turn. Then I faced another TR Slowpoke, and killed it too. I won again.
Game 3- He wanted to play best out of 6, and I agreed because I needed the points to get my Thunder Badge. I killed 2 Abra with Promo Mewtwo, but then he sent out a Base Gastly. Oh No! :lol: I killed the evil creature hated by many Deck Mechanics named Chipmunk for years. I Win! Surprise, Surprise!
Game 4- I couldn't get any energys for MP Mewtwo. He put Mewtwo to sleep with a Base Haunter :falls onto the floor laughing: I shouldn't be laughing because that unholy creauture named Base Set Haunter killed Mewtwo! (I am very unlucky with coin flips, once a Jigglypuff kept my Hitmonchan asleep for 7 turns! No Lie!) Then my 'Buzz took revenge, and killed off the Haunter, and Its whole bench of Basic weaklings.
Game 5- I don't now why I played him again, but I beat him up with a MP Mewtwo. I killed 2 TR Slowpokes.
I went 9-0! He HE! :0P Sponge decks rule! Right Scott?
Email me at superbob@mgfairfax.rr.com
I'd love to help fix your deck, so please Email me. You'll probally get a reply
Props                                       I don't like Slopping People
Scott Gerhardt for making Sponge Decks                                          
MP Mewtwo
The kid who traded me a
Scoop Up, Item Finder, and
Dark Alakazam for Dark Blastoise
My Mom for driving me [Editor's note: You sure have a cool mom...]
Random Props to Limp Biskit and Papa Roach
(I don't know why I wrote that) :O)