KB Toy Works
                                          Psyduck's Helpful Friends--By Adam
                                               Lexington, Ohio
                                            Saturday, July 15, 2000
Maybe 9 People or less

It was a rainy Saturday when my Mom,Sister,and I pulled into KB's parking
lot. I grabbed my deck and cards and walked into the store. Seeing no one
there yet, I quietly browsed the aisles and then players and collectors came
like a stampede of kids(actually,they were!).Then a store worker came over
and passed out Promo Eevees!(thats 2 and counting...)Well,heres my deck:
Psyduck's Helpful Friends!

19 Psychic Energies
1 Full Heal Energy
3 TR Abras
2 TR Dark Kadabras
1 TR Dark Alakazam
1 Mew (League Promo)
1 MP Mewtwo
3 Psyducks(1 Fossil, 2 TR)
3 TR Dark Golduck
3 Dittos
2 Prof. Oak
2 Comp.Searches
4 The Bosses way (if I want Dark Alakazam,I get him!)
3 Plus Powers
3 Energy Removals
3 Nighty Garbage Runs
3 Bills
2 Goop Gas Attack(Aw..Charizard can't Energy Burn??)
On with the Sho-I mean battles!

Round one: Adam Vs.....(Ok,I didn't get his name...he can be Little Johnny)
We drew our cards and I had a pretty bad hand...only 1 Abra! I layed him down
and he flipped the coin(or tossed it....looked more liked he tossed it).He
called heads and Praise the Lord, it was Tails! He had a MP Mewtwo Active and
a Moltres benched. I drew my card and laid an energy on Abra and played the 2
PlusPowers in my hand. I Psyshocked and flipped heads. His turn, he drew and
placed an energy under Mewtwo and passed.(by the way, his friend was helping
him) I drew and played The Bosses Way in my hand to get Dark Kadabra.I showed
Little Johnny and hes likes,''Not Dark Kadabra!'' Anyway, I evolved Abra into
Dark Kadabra and attached energy and Mindshocked him to draw Psychic energy
as my prize. He makes Moltres active and drew a card and places energy under
Moltres and passes. I drew a Bosses way and quickly played that to get Dark
Alakazam.I attached another energy under my new D.'Kazam and Mindshocked.His
turn,he draws and puts energy under Moltres and Wildfires my Bill and Psychic
energy. Next turn I win do to lack of basics.

I looked around a little, hoping to find someone that has a Holo-Jungle
Flareon.Then some other little kid (the one helping the fist kid)challanges
me to a match.

Round two: Adam Vs. Round 1's friend(didnt get his name either)
We drew and I had a good hand:Psyduck,Dark Golduck,3 energies and 2 trainers.
We flipped and he went first. He had an Active Vulpix and no bench. He draws
and passes (guess no energy...even though his hand was down I saw like,
Electric and Fighting energy).I drew and placed a Psychic under Psyduck and
use Dizziness to draw a card. He goes and quickly uses Pokedex(....).His
friend was helping him (Little Johnny)but, I didn't care. He then passes. I
drew and placed Mew on the bench and attached a Psychic under Psyduck and use
Dizziness. He goes and lays Machop(rats!)and passes(?).I got, attach energy
under Psyduck and evolved to Dark Golduck and Super Psy that puny Vulpix to
gain Oak as my prize. He goes and makes Machop active and draws. He quickly
placed energy under Machop and low kicks me. I draw and Super Psy for another

After that, nobody wanted to battle me so I left.(maybe because I was the
oldest and biggest there....)
Well, I think my deck performed semi-well. Next week, I'm going to Toys R

Props and Slops!
Props to my Mom for taking me
Props to Team Rocket cards for being cool
Props to the kids that battled me
Props to my second Promo Eevee
Props to the Promo #13 Venusaur I got at a Trading store for 10 bucks!
Props to Pojo for such a cool site!

Prop/Slops to the kids who didn't battle me...(maybe I was too big???)
Slops to my deck's soft-holders for making my deck hard to shuffle....

If you have any Questions,Comments,Hate mail,Suggestions,or just mail, then
e-mail me at <A HREF="StickFigureAdam@aol.com">StickFigureAdam@aol.com</A>
(Stegy on Apprentice,Gooey,and mIRC)