Hello this is David Scharff again from Borders in Augusta,GA.  I went to the
league this morning with a 1 day old deck: David-Maker.  Basically it's
saying it's my own Haymaker.  I faced my brother 10 times at home yesterday
and this morning against his new deck you'll find out about later.  I was
10-0, so logically he was 0-10.  Anyway, about the league, I think this was
the first time I hadn't used a deck at least twice before changing(I used my
other deck, Dark Slowbro's Friends, last week for the 1st time.) Oh well.
Here's David-Maker:


Lightning NRG:11
Grass NRG:11

Super Potion:2
Scoop Up:3

As I said, I was 10-0 with this deck coming in, and guess who I faced 1st? My

Game 1:vs. Jacob S.(my brother)

He had a lone Abra(TR, duh) to start for only the 11th time in a row.  Me,
Electabuzz out, and 2 Dittos. I win the flip. I use Thundershock, no
paralysis. He GOWs for Ditto, Psyshock for 20, no paralysis. I potion,
Psyshock and paralyse. He dosen't draw a basic, so I win.

This week:1-0
Deck all time(18 hrs):11-0.

I have a few friends at the league, and I'm about to face 2 of them.

Game 2:vs.Kyle Knab(friend #1)

He had won a tournament or 2, but I hadn't gone to the last 2-3 at our
league, so I don't know if I would have won. Anyway the match. I had
Electabuzz out, Ditto& Scyther benched. He had Bulbasaur. I win flip,
Thundershock w/paralysis. I would have won on Turn 2, but he got Charmander
and attached a DCE. I kill Bulbasaur. He sends out Charmander, attaches a
Leaf energy and scratched. I now saw he had Charizard and maybe Breeder. No
problemo. I SER Charmander and win 2 turns later.

This week:2-0
Deck all time:12-0

We decided to play again.

Game 3: vs. Kyle Knab

This game was different. All I remember is that he had 2 Chanseys and a
Snorlax to start and me Electabuzz and Ditto.  Oh yeah I remember he won.

This week:2-1
Deck all time:12-1

Oh well. I lost.  Here's my 2nd friend.

Game 4 vs. Bryan Shivers(I think it's Shivers)

I know he always uses some sort of Haymaker, except this had Dark Raichu and
Hitmonchan that I don't have.  We were both kind of stalling for about half
the game. Then, he used Prof. Oak and had to shuffle Dark Raichu, who was
next, back into his deck. If he had gotten Dark Raichu at that point, I was
gone. But we didn't see Chu until Bryan drew him as his next to last card.
Next turn he drew, and since he was going to lose anyway, he Billed to save

This week:3-1.
Deck all time:13-1.

I wound up winning 5 more games, trading Alakazam, Maintenence, Pluspower,
Pokedex, Prof. Oak, Bill, and a DCE for Dark Arbok, Dark Golbat, A holo Dark
Weezing, and a non-holo Dark Weezing(he was trying to get a complete Base Set
collection, and only needed Blastoise when I left, which was right after that

Sorry I hurried my report, but I'm going out to dinner now, so no Props/Slops
this time.  Signing off, David Scharff.                David11887@aol.com