Hydrodance v1.1 (water)
By Cody "The Perfect One" Wade
Date: July 11. City & State: Colma, CA. Place: Toys 'R' Us Pokemon League
Participants: About 25.

Hydrodance v1.1: My old Hydrodance, but improved. Well, here is the deck:

    Hydrodance v1.1

Pokemon: 25

4 squirtle (all base)
4 wartortle
4 dark wartortle
3 blastiose
4 dark blastoise
4 articuno
2 lapras


4 computer error
2 oak
4 breeder
1 comp. search
2 traders

Energy: 22

22 water energy                 25+13+22=60

 Battle 1 vs. Electric/Water

Okay, I thought this would be a difficult battle, but it was quite the
contrary. I start w/ Articuno, Squirtle, Breeder, 3 energy, and a comp.
error. I win the flip. I send out articuno, he sends Eevee. I attach, and
comp. error. I draw Dark Blastoise, 2 energy, Lapras, and Wartortle. He
attaches and tackles. I Breeder squirtle into Dark Blastoise and attach to
Articuno. He attaches and sand attacks. I Draw Comp. search. I attach and
freeze dry, and it fails. He puts magikarp down and sand attacks. I draw
energy, attach it to D. Blastoise, and i freeze dry, connects, but not
paralyzed. he evolves into Dark Gyarados, and sand attacks. i attach again to
D. Blastoise, and freeze dry misses. He attaches To dark Gyarados and sand
I attach to D. Blastoise and freeze dry misses. he attaches to dark Gyarados
and sand attacks. I attach to Dark Blastoise and freeze dry misses. he sand
attacks and kills me. I Draw lapras, send out D. Blastoise, put down Lapras,
and I hydrocannon, and it goes through. My prize is Breeder. He sends out D.
Gyarados and Ice Beams me. not paralyzed. I hydrocannon, kills him, but the
Power works, and he kills me, but i have a lapras, and he has nothing, so i


battle 2: vs. electric water

Same person. A much easier battle than before. he starts with a lone promo
pikachu ( #1 ). I have 2 squirtles, 2 breeders, comp. search, comp. error,
and energy. i win flip. i draw and attach energy and comp error. i get
Blastoise, Dark blastoise and 3 energy. He lets me go. i double breeder
(hehehe) into Blastoise on bench, and D Blastoise as active. I raindance 3
time to D. Blastoise and hydrocannon to win.

I barely used this deck, i mostly used my thunderslash v1.1. but i got 3 Holo

Any E-mail? send it to Codyw2000@cs.com