Psycho Balloon v1.3 (Psychic/Colorless))
by Darth_Lazy
at the Magical Forest
  Ra'anana, Israel (Yes! israel in the middle east)
   Wednesday, July 12th, 2000
       About 20 participants

Yay! finally its me writing a killer deck report. After a few months
finally DCI sanctioned Events arrived in Israel. Oh boy am I happy.
There aren't many serious players around here, most are noticably
younger than I am. But some are good players. Me and my friends arrived
about an hour late so we couldn't play a lot of games (3 actually). I
decided to take my favorite deck (Psycho Balloon) a psychic variant
of the original fighting wiggly. I won all three games, but couldn't
get a good player to play against me, oh well. Here's my deck:

// Pokemon (15)
x4 Jigglypuff
x3 Wigglytuff
x4 Mewtwo MP
x4 Scyther

// Trainers (27)
x2 Item Finder
x4 Gust of Wind
x2 Challenge!
x2 Bill
x3 Proffesor Oak
x3 Super Energy Removal
x3 Switch
x4 PlusPower
x4 Computer Search

// Energy (18)
x4 DCE
x14 Psychic

Ok onto the report:

Match 1 vs Shlomi(?) a blonde kid with a not so well built moltres stall.

I start with only a Scyther and a MP mewtwo, him with a moltres and
on the bench. He was wildfiring alot of my basics, but i got a scyther
and was hurting him quite badly. I eventually got an oak, and got a fully
wiggly (ouch for him). Killed his mime with a jiggly, his Onix (HAHAHAHA)
with a scyther
and won 6-0 by prizes. Also he got a snorlax out with three energies, but
Super Removaled him! boy was that fun.
Record: 1-0

Match 2 vs. two young kids with a preconstructed rocket deck

these kids were young and hardly knew how to play, i helped them
along with the english and gave them some playing tips. But when
i started i got a worse case scenario, energyless lone jiggly.
but lucky me, the kid wasn't too bright, and i Challenge!ed him
with him 4 on his bench me ZERO! i filled bench then CPU searched
for Wiggly. Oak for DCE and ripped thru his remaining pokemon.
Record 2-0

Match 3 vs. Religous kid with a tweaked Blackout Preconstructed.

I start the match with 3 mewtwos and hardly any energy. i get an oak
on turn 2 and load a wiggly. i am up 4-0 and then he almost kills my
wiggly with a machop (40 damage on wig) so i retreat for mewtwo and
rip thru his remaining machop and Ditto. this was quite fun. needless
to say this kid kinda cheated on coin flips, but still.. it was fun!
nothing more rewarding than beating a cheater.
Record 3-0 70 league points for today. not bad for 30 minutes.. ;)

Well thats it. thanks for reading. tommorow there's a tourney at a mall
by my house (maybe its for STS I HOPE!!!!) ill write another report

itay's sister for driving us
magic forest for having the tourney
me for having a good time
the gym leader for being cool

the stupid kid who was a cheating flipper.
random slop: digimon and monster rancher for being rip offs. (BTW: u can
censor this if you want scott <ed note:  Naw...don't want to>)

-Rotem Tamir aka Darth_Lazy
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