Place: Semmes Rec. Center
City/State: Semmes, AL
Time: Registration starts at 12:00, Tournament Starts at 1:30.
Date: Sunday, July 9
DCI Sanctioned

Well after Church, I went to the place. There was about 30 prople there.
Here's the deck.

4xJigglypuff: Mimes are Dead! And Wiggly's base.
4xWigglytuff: Awesome! Need I Say More?
3xElectabuzz: Thunderpunch can just DOMINATE.
2xScyther: Slash, Retreat, Slash, Retreat!
3xFossil Magmar: Great for Stalling.

3xBill:Ok, I'll draw two cards.
2xOak:A Broken Card. Practically.
3xE.R.:Goodbye, your D.C.E.!
3xComp. Search:Get any card!
3xPluspower:Full Bench+Do The Wave+Pluspower=Goodbye Haymaker Pokemon!
3xGust of Wind: Don't hide that Magikarp!
2xChallenge!:For Wiggys.
1 Item Finder: Always great to reuse Trainers!

8 Electric
9 Fire
4 D.C.E.
1 Full Heal

Sorry, but I probably don't remember much.

Match 1
Me vs. Psy Deck ( I forget his name)
I get a hand of Jiggy Scyther Challenge 2 Fire and 2 Electric  He puts up
Base Mewtwo.I put Scy. I draw an E.R.. Energy Scy and pass. he Energies
Mewtwo and passes. I draw an Oak. E.R., then Oak. I get Wiggy DCE and a lot
of trainers. I DCE
Scyther and Slash. He Energies Mewtwo and benches Abra and MP Mewtwo. He
Passes. I gust up Abra energy Jiggy and slash. I Got a Prize. He puts up Base
 Mewtwo and Energies Benched. Pass. I draw Comp. Search. Slash for Prize=
Energy. He puts Mewtwo and Energy absorbs. I draw and Energy Jiggly. Evolve
to Wiggy and Slash. He goes draws and Psyburns. I search for Pluspower and
Slash for Win (no basics)

DCI points: 3

Match 2
Me vs. Chad Stevens with Psy Wiggly.

This Guy was really hard. He kept using MP Mewtwos and Wigglys. He killed off
my Jiggys and Electas. At the end I had a Chance at him decking by keeping
him Asleep with Lullaby, but he woke up and used Do The Wave for his last

DCI Points:3

Match 3
Me vs. Lacey Rough with Water
She was OK. It started My Mag to her Dratini. She wrappes til I'm dead (She
Paralized me 5 times!) Well, by then I had Scys and Wigs fully powered. She
tried to keep me off with Energy Removals but to no Avail. I Win.

DCI Points:6

Match 4
Me vs. Daniel Belt with Hydro Psycho (psy-water)
Not hard. I got a Quick Wiggy against all his Abras and Squirtles. At the end
we had an argument. He had out a lone Chansey against my fully powered Wiggy
with a full bench. I waved twice. He was dead. He had no basics. I started
picking up my cards. He called out "What are you doing? Youv'e still got
prizes! Me: I know, but you have no basics!" He benched a Magikarp from his
hand. "Hey!" I said. "You cant do that!" I called over the judge and he said
I was right. Win.
DCI Points:9

Match 5
Me vs. Nick Marble with Mono- Grass.
Also not hard. Started with Jiggly with Wig in my hand. He had Bulbasaur as
active and Tr Ekans on Bench. He goes First. He Energies Bulba and passes. I
D.C.E. jiggly and Pound. Energies Ekans and Passes.  I Energie Jigg and
Pound. He draws and puts an energy on Ekans. Retreats for Ekans, evolves to
Ivysaur, Benches Grimer, and Poison Stings. No poison. I Challenge, he
accepts. I get lots of Magmars. Energy Jiggy, Evolve and Wave Ekans dead. He
puts up another Ekans, draws, Psy Energies Exeggcute. Evolves to Venusaur and
passes. Draw, Energie Magmar and Wave him dead. He puts up Exeggcute and
Hypnosis. I wake up. I gust of wind out Venusaur and Do the Wave. He's dead
(60+40 from beginning= 100)
>From there it was easy. I kept Waving til I won.

DCI Points:12

Yes! I had won my way into the Quarter Finals! You had to have a Record of at
least 4-1. There were 8 people that made it. My friend was not one of them,
as his record was 3-2. He and his dad went to get some Church's chicken while
I battled.

Quarter Final
Me vs. Jason Bodine with Electric/Grass.
He was sort of hard. Well, he went first. His Tr Dratini Vs. My Scyther. He
went first.
D.C.E. on Dratini and Wrap. No Para. I Energied Scyther, removeled the
D.C.E., and passed. He Billed, D.C.E.'d and Wrapped with para. I used a
D.C.E. on Scyther. Benched Jiggly and slashed. He used another D.C.E. and
Breedered to F. Dragonite.
Slammed for 40. Scy has 10 HP left. I went, energied Scyther and Super Energy
Removaled his Dragonite. (Yes! He has no Energy on Dragonite). He is screwed.
Then I Slashed. He benches a Scyther and Energies It. Pass. I Comp. Search
for a Pluspower and Oaked. Got Junk. Except a Wiggly. Evolve to Wiggly and
Energie it.
Slash. Then he energied Scyther and passes. Energie Wig and Slash. The rest
of the game was close, but I managed to Succeed.

DCI Points:15

yes! On to the Semi- Finals

Me vs. Chad Stevens again.

Oh nooooooooo. This isn't good. all I Really Remember is that I couldn't get
the right coin flips and got creamed.

Oh Well. I got a Base 2 Pack and a Eevee Promo. In the pack I got Charizard!

Props and Slops
Props to My Friends Dad For taking us. [Editor's note: that sure was nice of him....]
Props to the Chicken, it was good.
Props to Wiggly!

Slops to the Dratinis- They kept Paralizing me!
Slops to the Non-Holo Snorlax I got in my first pack.

Thanks for Reading!

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