Haunting Nightmare v3.0 (Psychic/Electric)
                             by Greg Bush
                           Fairfax, Virginia
                        Saturday, July 8th, 2000
                            10 Participants

Hi Pojo, I'm not a suck-up but you guys have a pretty killer site. Well let
me tell you a little about my deck and its history. When I first built it,
it was a deck that won alot but still needed work. so over time its had 3
upgrades and at the end it has turned into a powerful deck with many wonders
of pokemon. So here is Haunting Nightmare and its last tourney.

Haunting Nigthmare v3.0

20 Pokemon:
3 fossil Gastly
2 fossil Haunter
1 Gengar
3 TR Abra
2 Kadabra
1 Alakazam
1 Mr.Mime
1 Promo Mewtwo # 3 or 14
2 Pikachu 1 Promo # 4 and 1 base
1 Raichu
2 Magnemite
1 fossil Magenton

10 Trainers:

2 Pokeball
2 Bill
2 Pokemon Center
1 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Potion
1 Super Potion

30 Energy:

18 Psychic
12 Electric

Well like most trainers that write these reports to you have trouble
remembering it all so I'll try my best to tell you all of the details. This
tournament that had a pyramid like setting 3 groups of two, two of the
winners would go against each other and the third winner would play a adult
for a chance for the final battle. Honestly this was my quickest tourney
ever for me.

Round 1
vs. Mike

I liked the first round the best because it was the quickest. I drew a good
hand a Mewtwo, Gastly, a Haunter, and 3 Psychic energy, and 1 Electric
energy. My oppenent talked alot and constantly would stretch and his cards
would be easy to see. I put gastly as my basic and mewtwo on the bench. He
put a Koffing as his active thats all he had.
after two quick turns my gastly knocked the base Koffing out for a victory.

Round 2
vs. Dave

This was the adult player. I was the lucky 3rd winner. To make this one
short I had a mewtwo and 3 Psychic and Electric Energies. By the begginig of
the 3rd turn My mewtwo was fully charged and he had a single Charmeleon with
a double colorless on it. I had double psyburn move for the quick single
kill. for the win.

Round 3
vs. Tim my Brother

This was the longest round only because it was my brother and we knew each
others decks and strategy well. To make this round story short I started
with a Gastly, Haunter, and a Gengar with 4 Psychic energies. On my 4 turn I
had gotten a Gengar fully charged and safely evolved into with 40 damage to
spare. After that my Brother's 2 Hitmonchans and 2 Hitmonlees were victims
of dark mind. Another victory.

My prizes were 5 1st edition Team Rocket Boosters.

Thanks for Reading!!!!!!

Greg Bush