Psy storm (Psy)
By: Matt Hamilton
Toys R Us
Owensboro, KY
Saturday July 8
some where between 15-30 people
local Pokemon league (Owensboro will never have a tournament!)

It has been a while since I've posted a repor but I really really like this
deck. This deck basicly is made to destroy the oppenent. I've been
underfeated thus far. I would really like this kinda of decks to be played
more because of the fun of just battling one. And here it is, Psy Storm!
Psy storm

20 Poke's 

3 Rocket Drowzees (definently not the best Pokemno but he'll do)
2 Rocket Hypnos (a very good hitter, with some good coin flips & a challange
or two prefect combo!)

4 Rocket Abras (the new & improved verison of the base abras but better!)

3 Base Kadabras ( another good hitter 3 energies=50 damage)

2 Rocket Alakazams ( O where can i start?? great attacks, pretty good retreat
cost, O.K. HP)

3 Jungle Jigglypuffs (good HP, O.K. attacks)

2 Jungle Wigglytuff (great HP, great attacks good retreat cost)

1 Movie Mewtwo (I know I need more in this deck but what should I take out??)

10  Trainers

4 challlange (A must have in this deck with Wiggly & Hypno

4 Super Energy Removals (keep your oppontent high & dry of energy!)

2 Energy Removals ( Almost as good as SER but it'll do)

30 energy

4 double colorless energies (for Wiggly's & Jiggly's)

26 Psy energies (Well duh!)

Object of deck: Keep your pokemon with plenty of energy (Duh!). Keep your
oppontent with little energy. Power up a Wiggly, Alaka, Hypno, or Kadab &
destroy your oppontent!

Round 1: Psy storm Vs. Lizzie w/ Hitmonpower (fighting)
I win the flip, get 2 abra's, 2 drowzee's, a hypno, & 2 psy energys. Send out
Drowzee, bench all the other basics. Drew a DCE then attached a psy to
drowzee, used long dististence hypnosis her hitmonchan asleep! Flip for Hit's
asleep, tails he stayed asleep. She drew attached a fight to hit & passed.
Fliped for hit's asleep tails still aseep. I drew got challenge i decided to
try & knock out hit since it was her only basic. I evoled to hypno attached a
psy energy & used psy punch 40 damage on hit. Fliped for hit's asleep tails
still asleep. She drew then attached another fight to hit. Flipped for Hit's
asleep, heads he was awake. I drew a kadabra. I evoled an abra. Then I
psypunched for the knock out! Win me


Round 2 Psy Storm Vs. Ryan killer storm (electric)

I lost the flip. I 1 abra , 1 kadabra, 1 alakazam, 4 psy energys. I send out
abra. He sends out Electrbuzz (Oh...Great!) he attachs a electric energy
thundershocks me, flips tails. I draw get Hypno. I attach a psy psyshock for
10, flip tails. (dang!) He draws attaches a electric energy thunderpunches,
heads knocks me  out! Lose me


I didn't get to play much today because I got there late & it ended before it
was suposed to. (firgures huh?) I got to stay about 1 hour. I did get to buy
12 digimon TCG packs yay! Well time for props & slops

Propz to digimon
to me
to lizzie (i'm going out w/ her now!)
to ryan
to the digimon TCG
to pojo

Slopz to Toys R Us 4 ending before it was susposed to!
to my mom for making me late [Editor's note: So you think your parents have no life and must cater to your every whim?! Give your mom a break... I'm sure she deserves it....]
to me losing
to my comp it's 2 slow!

Matt Hamilton (you may know me from my other screen names cyberchancey,
jsn4ever, cheetah412214 & this one)