Place:Toys R Us Pokemon League
Date:July 1 2000
State:South Carolina
About 20 ppl

This is my deck,I call it Mind Horror:
Pokemon  (18)
3 Dark Alakazam
3 Dark Kadabra
3 Team Rocket Abra
2 Dark Golduck
2 Team Rocket Psyduck
2 Jungle Mr. Mime
2 Promo 14 Mewtwo
1 Basic Chansey

Trainers  (21)
4 Energy Removal
3 The Boss's Way
3 Defender
3 Potion
2 Professor Oak
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Nightly Garbage Run
1 Challenge!
1 Super Energy Removal

Energy  (21)
20 Psychic
01 Double Colorless

No,it's not too much energy,yes it needs more DC,no Potion isn't useless and
there are cards I need more of.
Anywayz....................this pokemon league is where I play.I've been
meaning to go to this other shop that has a tournament by haven't been
able.The shop is Let the Games Begin and i guess Mark Dawson has been looking
for me.....but that's another story.
It was a good day.I love playing against ppl who really know how to play.It
makes it all the more fun.This deck is really fun to play and I use the
Golduck line as a utility.
I can't wait to use this deck in a turney.
Here's the report:
Game 1:
Horror Mind vs. 10 year old with a thrown together deck,
I started out with abra and he did with jigglypuff.I went first and did
psyshock for paralilysis.He did nothing and I evolved to kadabra and added
energy and did Mind Shock.He went and did pound with this fake DCE.I didn't
do anything about it though.Oh ya...i forgot to tell you...everyone that day
was playing 3 prizes to speed up the games.Anyway I did mind shock again and
got my second prize and then he brought out Rhyhorn and did
turn....I did Mind shock for 30 then he did Horn Attack for 30 too.This went
like this untill his next turn where he fainted dark kadabra with Horn
Attack.I brought in another abra of my bench and did Psyshock for 10 and he
was paralyzed.I kept doing that and he nevr got to go cause he always got
paralyzed.Pure coin luck i say =D.
I shook his and and said good game.He had lots of good cards outside of his
deck.i don't know wht he didn't use them.

Game 2:
Horror Mind vs. girl with good Raindance,
now this is a deck i wait to that has been carefully put together.
I started out with abra and she with squirtle.I went first and did psyshock
without paralyzing it.She did Bubble with paralylisis.I put Mewtwo on my
bench and added a psychic energy to it and passed.She kept doing Bubble to
abra and evrytime she paralyzed me.Sometime I added a psy energyb to abra but
she eventually fainted it.
She never had another basic pokemon on her bench.I put mewtwo in and did
energy absorption.She went and did Bubble with no paralize.I did Psyburn and
won.Cheap win but i'll take it....=D.

Game 3:
Mind horror vs. same girl,
This one was a little harder.I don't remember a whole lot about this match.
Basicly she cept stalling with a basic wartortle and it's Withdraw attack.She
was using a chansey coin and it's almost always heads.I have one too.I
mean.she fliped heads everytime.Anyways....she kept switching it with
magicarp and suirtles every time I got Mr. mime out.I had to keep switching
it back and forth with Mewtwo.This time I had the boss's way I n this deck
but since then I've taken them out for switch which seems to work
better..........her wartortle eventually got too many damage counters so she
put it on her bench and brought out either Blastoise or Squirtle anyways I
had metwo out and did Psyburn for the faint and she brought out that
wartortle.She used withdraw like two times for some reason,maybe I had put
Mr. mime back in, but on the third time she used it she flipped tails and
fainted it with psyburn for the match.By the way, my first prize came from a
fainted squirtle. was fun.Next week I may get my Promo Eevee and will get my
Computer Error.I'll also try to go to that tournament.There was this guy
named Chris there and he had this Poison and Grass deck.It looked pretty
good.He had beaten everyone.I wanted to play him but time was up for the
pokemon league so I'll wait till next time =D.I also made some great trades.A
1st Ed. Dark Machamp for an american Cool Porygon, Promo Meganiumu for Neo
Haganeeru and a Dark Kadabra for Fossil Hypno.
I don't know who started this props and slops thing but I'll go along.
Props:my mom for taking me [Editor's note: It's good to prop your mom for taking the time to drive you there *g*]
Props:the gym leader and the setup
Props:the trades I made
Props:the girl with raindance
Slops:no slops

Stephen pineros