Name: Kevin Kent
Age: 15
Place of Tourney: Majior Leauge Cards And Comics, Lansing MI
Date: 1-15-2000
Record: 3-1

Hey pojo, I went to a tournement set up by a card stor a couple days ago and
participated in a tourney.



4-Energy Removal
4-Super Energy Removal
4-Plus Power
4-Gust of Wind
3-Computer Serch
2-Energy Serch
2-Professor Oak

3-Double Colorless Energy
7-Electric Energy
11-Fighting Ebergy

(Had a basketball game before the tourney so I didnt come till the 3rd round)
Here's How I Did:

Round 1 - Bye (It pays to be the best player ^_^)

Round 2 - Loss (haven't arrived yet)

Round 3 - I played a kid with a rainbow deck. (newbie)
He started a magikarp out to start...diglett, seal, and zubat and his bench.
I started a Scyther...Hitmonchan and Electabuzz on my bench.  I dont think he
had much energy in his deck because he drew 1 the whole game.  My Hitmonchan
killed all six of his pokemon.

Round 4 - I played a kid with a water deck. (semi decent)
He started a Squirtle...seal and magikarp on his bench. I started a
Electabuzz...Hitmonchan on my bench.  I powered up my Electabuzz paralyzed
him once then knocked his Squirtle out on the next turn.  He brought up his
magikarp and hit me for 10.  I threw another energy on Electabuzz and knocked
him out with Thunder Punch.  He sent up his Seal and on his turn evolved it
into Dewgong.  I had a Plus Plower in my hand so I attached it to electabuzz,
the I Professor Oaked and drew a Computer Serch,  I discarded a Hitmonchan
and a Gust of Wind, I serched my deck and took out a Plus Power.  Attached
another Plus Power to Electabuzz, hit him for 60 and with two Plus Powers
knocked him out.

Round 5 - I played a kid with a Haymaker (good)
He started a Lickitung...Scyther, Pikachu (Jungle) on his bench. I started a
Scyther...Electabuzz on my bench.  First card I drew was a Hitmonlee, layed
it on my bench and attached an energy to it.  He drew a Kangaskhan layed it
down and attached a double colorless energy on Lickitung and hit me for 10
and paralyzed me.  I continued to pump up my Hitmonlee. He hit me for another
10 but didnt paralyze me.  I retreted my Scyther for free and brought out my
Hitmonlee, attached another energy and killed him with a high jump kick.  He
brought out his Scther with two energy's on it, and ended his turn. I used
Gust of Wind and brought out his Kangaskhan and killed it in one hit.  Next
he brought out his Scyther, attached an energy and hit me for 30.  Next turn
I used Super Energy Removal on his Scyther and attached a Plus Power to my
Hitmonlee and I him for 30. He then layed a energy on his Scyther and used a
pokemon trader and got a Hitmonchan.  I hit him for 20.  He retreted his
Scyther and brought out his Hitmonchan layed and energy on it and hit me for
20. I was down to 10 life on my Hitmonlee but I Computer Serched for a Energy
Removal took the energy off of Hitmonchan and used strech kick and killed his
Scyther.  He had no energy so I hit him for 50. He then drew a energy and
killed my Hitmonlee.  I brought out my Electabuzz and killed his Hitmonchan.

That was the last round of the tourney I got 4th place.

I got 2 Fossil Boosters and 2 Basic Boosters- I pulled a Aerodactyal (foil),
Hypno, Chansey, and a Gyrados.

Props: To Larry for giving me a bye the first round
Slops: To the Ref in my basketball game for taking so long to call the game

I played Brandon (WINNER), and Zeb (3rd PLACE). I crushed both of them.  If I
was at the tourney when It started I would have taken first place. O WELL,

E-Mail me if I get Posted

Thanx POJO