The tournament I entered was held in Bristol, VA at Mountain Empire
Comics on January 1st, 2000 and there was about 8 people there.  The set-up
was 1 loss elimanation.

Here is my deck:

Dark Minds


4 Arba
2 Kadabra
1 Alakazam

4 Gastly(Fossil)
3 Haunter(1 Base, 2 Fossil)
2 Gengar

3 Drowzee
1 Hypno

1 Mr. Mime

2 Mewtwo(1 Base, 1 Movie Promo)


4 Energy Removal

2 Super Energy Removal

2 Defender


30 Psychic

Round 1: Me vs. Ross w/Water and Electric

        The game started slow with us both having no Energy.  This lasted
for about 8 turns then I drew Energy and played it on Abra.  I Psyshock with
no Paralization and he drew enough energy and used Amnesia with Poliwhirl
and stopped Psyshock.  I drew another Energy attached it to Abra and let him
go.  He used Amnesia and I played another Energy, evolved to Kadabra and
KOed his only pokémon with Super Psy and won.

Semi Finals: Round 2: Me vs. Reed w/Grass and Fire

        This game was really long because he had out a Chansey and I had out
Gastly and after about an hour of Licking and Scrunching he decked and I won.

Finals: Round 3: Me vs. Elizabeth w/Fire and Lightning

        I started with an Abra and 6 energy.  She went First and played a
Double-Colorless on Scyther.  I drew played an energy on Abra and
Psyshocked, but with no Paralization!!!  She played an Energy on Scyther and
KOed me for the win!!!

        Well, I ended up in 2nd place and won 2 Base, 1 Jungle, and 2
Fossil.  I got Alakazam, Blastoise, Holo Scyther, Non-Holo Haunter, and Holo
Hitmonlee.  I think I did pretty good for this to have beenmy first tourny.

'till next time:

Ricky Lloyd