The Incinerator version 1.7
by Noah Weiss
Hobbytown USA
Lincoln, NE
November 19, 2000
20 combatants
    This is my first Killer Deck Report, and coincidentally, it is the first
time that I've gotten into the Elite 8 of the tourney (it is a Swiss-type
competition). I don't do those long forewords, so here's the report! (I may
be a little sketchy on some details...)
The Incinerator--Decklist
POKéMON  (22)
2 Blaine's Ponyta (lv.13)
1 Blaine's Rapidash

3 Magmar (2 lv.31, 1 lv.24)

3 Pikachu (2 lv.16, 1 lv.14)
1 Raichu
1 Dark Raichu

1 Electabuzz* (lv.35)

3 Jigglypuff (lv.14)
2 Wigglytuff*

3 Eevee (2 lv.7, 1 lv.12)
1 Jolteon*
1 Dark Jolteon
1 Flareon

3 Bill
2 Prof. Oak*
3 Pluspower
2 Poké Ball
2 Super Potion
2 Energy Retrieval
1 Trash Exchange*

2 Double Colorless*
10 Electric
11 Fire
*unable to add any more due to card stock
The Preliminary Four
Round 1 (Psychic ? wants to battle!) Sabrina-Psychic Deck(I didn't take name
account, so each opponent has a different number of question-marks, and I am
using R,B,Y,G,S taxonomy (such as Judoboy or Psychic.)
     This one was a cinch. He appeared to be playing a Sabrina-Psychic deck.
The open: Eevee (lv.7), Jiggly, and Blaine's Ponyta (ACTIVE) versus   Mr.
Mime (ACTIVE) and Sabrina's Abra. I won the cointoss. On my second turn, the
Hind Kick sent Blaine's Ponyta back to the bench for Jigglypuff. He evolved
his Sabrina's Abra and used an ESP, then used Life Drain. Despite that, he
couldn't scratch me from there on out! FF 2 turns, and my fully-powered
Blaine's Rapidash took out both the Mime and the Kadabra.
Result: WIN (bench-out) 1-0 3 points
Between Matches: I traded Surge's Spearow, Sabrina's Gastly, and something
else for Blaine's Quiz 2, Blaine's Rapidash :), and Sabrina's Venonat.
Round 2 (Judoboy ?? wants to battle!) Haymaker
       This was the opposite of my win against ?. I got a bad basic count
(Jigglypuff [active] and Pikachu.) My opponent started with a lone MP Mewtwo.
I thought I would win, until he topdecked a Hitmonchan! ouch.....
Result: LOSE (bench-out)  1-1 3 pts.
Round 3 (PKMN Trainer ??? wants to battle!) Psychic Power Deck
    Two-turn match!  I had a lone Jigglypuff to a lone Mew. I had a god-like
hand though, with a DCE, Oak, and Wiggly along with some basic Energy. 1) I
attached the DCE to Jiggly and Pounded. ??? attached an energy and did
nothing.  2) Evolve, Oak (here come the Basics!), energize, and Wave to win!
Result: WIN (bench-out) 2-1 6 pts.
Round 4 (PKMN Trainer ???? wants to battle!) Magmar-Scyther Wigglymaker
    I opened with a Magmar [active] and a Jigglypuff to a Magmar[active],
Scyther, and Jigglypuff. To make a long story short, my attacks missed while
the opponent kept Poisoning. The final part was when I was down 4 prizes to 1
and it was my Electabuzz to his Wigglytuff. Since I knew most Wigglymakers
use Pluspower, I was forced to use Thundershock and eventually, the Paralysis
couldn't work.
Result: LOSE (6 prizes) 2-2 6 pts.

    Prior to the match, I just could NOT stand the suspense for the Elite 8.
I was nervously pacing to ease myself off.  I was number 7!!

Quarterfinal (Elite Eight ?? wants to battle!) Haymaker
    Yes, this is a rematch of Round 2's opponent! I was thinking of it like
in the GB game (Want to battle? It's not going to be a repeat of the last
time we met.). Unfortunately, I got another unlucky draw. ?? said he got a
bad hand... but it was my lone Jigglypuff against his Hitmonchan! It was a
two-turn match.
Result: LOSE

    For making it to Elite Eight, I got a Gym Challenge booster. It was a
Resistance Gym.

Props- my mom for getting me there after Sunday School
Props- my deck and its performance
Props- myself for a good time
Props- Proposition 15
Props- original people and their decks
Slops- the booster pack
Slops- Archetypes
Slops- Hasbro for not banning, restricting, or errata'ing.

Noah Weiss