Zappy Trappy (Elecric)
By: Jeremy Davis
Toys 'R' Us
Spotsylvania, Virginia
Saturday 18, 2000
About 25 People
This is my newest and best deck.  I've been working on it for some time now and its worked at this Mini-Tourney.  The prizes were:
1st- 3 Packs of Challenge
2nd-3 Packs of Challenge
3rd- 3 Packs of Challenge
I don't have many Gym Challenge cards so this is the perfect oppertunity.  The tournament was I think known as Swiss where you fight everyone and the person with most wins, WINS!  This was a little different, you had to play as many people within one hour and 45 minutes.  It was 3 prizes instead of 6 cause it would have tooken too long.  It was a free tourney.  You got points also for the league.  I did very well.  Now here is the deck!!!
Zappy Trappy
2 Team Rocket Zapdos
2 Electabuzz
3 Erika's Jigglypuff
1 Scyther
4 Professor Oak
4 Bill
4 Rocket Sneak Attack
4 The Rocket's Trap
4 Computer Search
4 Item Finder
4 Pluspower
3 Imposter Oak's Revenge
2 No Removal Gym
2 Nighly Garbage Run
2 Lass
7 Electric
4 Double Colorless
2 Full Heal
I played 13 times so I can't remember them all so I'll review some matches and tell some.  There short since it was only 3 prizes.  Heres the REPORT!! (Sorry, don't know like almost no one's name)
Zappy Trappy vs. Boy w/Zapdos, Moltres, and Dragonite deck
I don't remember much but all I do know is that his pokemon took high energy counts to attack so it took awhile to charge up.  TR Zapdos was my starter and never got hurt while taking all 3 prizes. 
Zappy Trappy vs. Boy w/ Brock's Deck
All I know is that he had 2 Brock's Geodude and 1 Brock's Sandsrew that was koed by non other than my first pokemon TR Zapdos.
Zappy Trappy vs. Brittney w/ Psychic deck
She really didn't even like pokemon but her brother (above opponent) made her.  Erika's Jigglypuff went through her like a puff of wind. 
Zappy Trappy vs. Boy w/ ??? deck
This kid didn't have any cards that weren't Base through Fossil.  He didn't understand RSA or TRT.  He would say, Why should I show you or no.  It got annoying but oh well.  TR Zapdos Plasma its way to victory!
Zappy Trappy vs. Boy w/ Fire Deck
This kid didn't really want to fight me since my record was 7-0 at the time, but he did anyway.  I started with Good Old Zapdos to his Blaine's Magmar.  I went first, Trapped his hand to 1, attached Electric and Plasma.  He attached Fire to Magmar and used SmokeScreen for 20 with heads.  I went and Plasma.  He went, attached energy to Magmar and used SmokeScreen for 10 with tails.  I went, Plasma for win since he didn't have a bench.
The next 3 matches were my favorites!!!!
Zappy Trappy vs. Girl w/ Fire deck (Or at least of what I saw of it.)
She had a Blaine's Ponyta from Challenge to my Erika's Jigglypuff.  I went first, attached DCE to Jigglypuff and a pluspower.  I used Pulled Punch for the FIRST TURN WIN!!! (She went on to win 2nd.)
Zappy Trappy vs. Richard w/ Raindance
HOW CONVIENT!!!!  A RAINDANCE!!!  I knew him from Other World Adventures before it closed. *Moment of Silence*  I started with TR Zapdos to his Base Squirtle.  I went first.  I Billed, Billed, Billed, Item Finder for Bill, Billed just to get an energy.  On my final Bill I got an Energy, attached it and used Plasma for a FIRST TURN WIN!!!!
This match was my favorite but was stressful.  It was also my last match.
Zappy Trappy vs. Austin w/ TR Zapdos and Blastoise deck
I started with TR Zapdos to his TR Zapdos.  I went first, attached, Sneak Attacked his hand 4 times with the help of Item Finder and Oak.  I got rid of 4 BILLS.  He had an Erika but I left it so I could draw three too.  I then use Plasma with a Pluspower.  He went, Potioned, and Plasma.  I went, attached DCE to Erika's Jigglypuff on the bench and used Plasma.  He Potioned and Plasma.  I attached and energy to another Jigglypuff on the bench and used Plasma.  He went, Potioned and Plasma.  I went, attached energy to Electabuzz and used Plasma.  He POTIONED (That got annoying after 4 times.)  He then used Plasma to KO my Zapdos.  I brought up E. Jigglypuff and used Group Therapy and his Zapdos lost his only damage counter and used Plasma with a Pluspower.  I attached another energy to Electabuzz and used Pulled Punch.( I got rid of the damage counter before to be able to do 40 this turn.)  He went,  he attached energy to his newest basic, Squirtle, and used Plasma.  He was winning 1 prize left to my 3.  I turned things around though.  I brought up Electabuzz and used Thunder Punch with tails.  He then brought up Squritle, he evolved it into Base Wartorle and tried Withdraw, but it was tails.  I attached an Pluspower to Electabuzz to make sure I would win no matter what.  I did end up winning due to no bench. 
I had a lot of fun dismantling everyone.  I ended up 16-0 since people forfitted out of the tourney.  I won first place and took home a Blaine's Arcanine, Goivanni's Pinsir and a Lt. Surge's Secret Plan, another Eevee Promo, and a Computer Error.  Not bad for winning 3 packs for free.  Time for Props and Slops!
Props to:
Elaine for trying to let us be there during holiday sesson eventhough the manage said to stop till next year.(Don't know yet if we can stay)  Also for holding the League and Tourney!
Brittney so I would have someone to annoy and talk to.
Everyone that attended for being good sports.
Slops to:
Brittney for being ANNOYING!!!!
Well until next time, I'm out of here. 
Any tips, love letters, comments, or just want someone to talk to.  E-Mail Jeremy at :