by Michael Foster
collectors world
saterday,november 11th,2000

Well,this is my first time submitting my deck report so I'm not very good
at it but,their were about five people at the league.I played about 3 out
of 5 people because I got 2 byes.We were playing best 2 out of 3 matches
and now I will show you my deck.(bye means that there were a  odd number of
people and you dont have anybody to battle so you automaticly win 2 out of 3 )

Thunder Bolt


Voltorbs x4 ( 2 rocket ,2 lt.Surge )
Electrodes x4 ( 3 basic ,1 lt.surge )
Eevee x2 ( base )
Jolteon x2 ( 1 base,1 rocket )
Pikachu x4 ( 3 mp,1 lt.surge )
Raichu x2 ( Dark )
Zapdos x2 ( Base )
Lickitung x1 ( Jungle )

Trainers x15

Bill x3
GOW x2
Blaines Quiz #1 x1
Switch x3
PokeBall x2
Potion x3

Energys x24

Lighting x24


Round 1 Vs Nobody
I won automaticly because I got A bye.

Round 2 Vs ???(can't remember his name)(water/grass)
he won the coin flip.His only basic pokemon was a Misty's magikarp the one
that knows play only basic pokemon was a tr voltorb.He put a grass
energy on magikarp and did play dead,it was a tails.My turn I drew
a lighting energy witch i did not need because thats was all I had in my
hand.I put an energy on voltorb and did speed ball for the win.
the same thing thing pretty much happen but my hand was different.

Round 3 Vs. Nobody again!
I won which a bye again.

Round 4 Vs. ??? (don't remember name)(fire deck)
I don't really remember what happen those two rounds but I know I
lost both times.

Round 5 (finals) Vs. Kid in round 2(water/grass)
I win the coin flip so i go first.He had a krabby and I had A lt.voltorb
and a mp pikachu.I drew my card and it was a Dark Raichu.I put an energy
on voltorb and said done.He put a water energy on krabby and did call for
friend and got a krabby out.My turn I draw a lighting energy,I put a energy
on the same voltorb and did bouncing ball on krabby and killed it I drew my
prize and it was a mp pikachu.He's go and he Quit.
He Quit Already

I won 25 dollors store credit and I bought 2 base set boosters.
The first booter had a holo charizard in it.
The second had an electabuzz in it.

Props to my friend for typing half of this.
Props to the store for having it.
Props to that booter for the char.
Props to my mom for taking me.
To the kid for beating me.
and thats it.

Thanks for reading.

Michael Foster at