Hey Pojo.com.
It's Jason here with a first killer deck report. This was a all-in-all good
tournament. My deck, Wiggly Mania!, did a awesome job and hasn't been
playtested until tonight. It was the slowest tournament I have been to. Well
here is the info.

                                      Deck Name: Wiggly Mania!
                               City & State: Daytona Beach, Florida
                                             Date: 11-25-00
                                       Place: Books-A-Million
                               Participants: 12 (usually 24 or so)
                                        Time: 4:30-8:30pm

      Wiggly Mania!

Pokemon: 16

4 Hitmonchan  
4 Jigglypuff  
4 Wigglytuff  
4 Scyther

Trainers: 30

4 Prof. (Coke) Oak
4 Computer Search
4 PlusPower
4 Rocket's Sneak Attack
4 Gust of Winder
3 Item Finder
3 Nightly Garbage Run
2 The Rocket's Trap
2 No Removal Gym

Energy: 14
10 Fighting
4 Double Colorless Energy


The same stradegy with all Wiggly decks: Get out a Wigglytuff turn 2, full
bench, and a couple PlusPowers.

Japanese cards were allowed.

Now on to the report!

The entry fee was $3 and not many people signed up. One Gym Leader wasn't
there and another really good player had to leave. Since little people showed
up not as much prizes were handed out.

Round 1
Wiggly Mania! vs. Carl Carlson w/ Rocket Mewtwo and Magmar Hay

*Background info. on player*
We've battled before and he is known to get out of any situation. Between us
it's like a peaceful rivaling. He always brings out the heavy hitters and so
do I.

      I wasn't really thinking that I would be facing him 1st round. Oh
well. I get off to a good start with Wigglytuff waving all his Pokemon into
the discard pile. I did some fancy Gusting work with PlusPowers and his
Mewtwo's didn't stand a chance. He did manage to grab 1 or 2 prizes before it
was all over.

Record 1-0

Round 2
Wiggly Mania vs. ????? w/ Turbo Zard deck

*Background info on player*
I really don't know much about him. I've seen him a few times with his Turbo
Charizard deck. This was a match I will never forget.

      He has a pretty good combo. He uses Kangaskhan to do some early
Fetching and has a Rocket Charmander on the bench. After Kangaskhan is about
dead he uses it's Gather Fire PokePower and evolves to Charmeleon and
Charizard. That is what he did. He gets a turn 3 Charizard while I have a
Wiggly active, a full bench with another Wiggly on the bench. He goes and  
Fire Spins me getting a prize, but I smack him down using Wiggly and his
other Charmanders are Gust of Wind bait.

Record 2-0

Round 3
Wiggly Mania! vs. Gym Leader Howard w/ Prop 15/3 deck from STS

*Background info. on player*
Why me? Why me? I have to face the hardest person at the tournament!!! He
went to the ECSTS Qualifier and the tournament itself and getting a high spot
on it too. At least it was short and sweet.

      All I can say is that he got his Mewtwo's powered up really fast and
burn a Psyburning hole through my Hitmonchan's and Scyther's. I never saw a
Jiggly or a Wiggly.

Record 2-1

Round 4
Wiggly Mania! vs. ????? w/ Hitmonchan and Clefable deck

*Background info. on player*
Not much known. I've never seen him before. He is a good player but needs to
tweak his deck just a little. It turns him out of any situation.

      I get out a Scyther early slashing his Rocket's and Base HItmonchan's
to oblivion. I used some PlusPowers to K.O. some Chan's early. He got out
Resistence Gym but I sent it to the discard pile with No Removal Gym. He
managed to get out 3 Clefairy's but I stopped them with Hitmonchan and a
couple of Gust of Wind and Item Finders.

Record 3-1

Round 5
Wiggly Mania! vs. Noah w/ Raindance deck

*Background info. on player*
I've seen him a couple of times but never battled him. He has a very nice
deck w/ Fossil Articuno, Base Blastoise, and Giovanni'a Gyarados. It was a
long battle but in the end I was(n't) satisfied.

      I start out with a undecent hand of stuff. I couldn't get the combo
getting up to speed. He had a combo too. He got 3 Pokemon with 10 damage left
and a Jiggly active with 20 damage. He switches for Arcticuno and Blizzards
(and gets heads). So he draws his last 4 prizes. I knew I wouldn't have a
chance for 1st place.

Record 3-2

Round 6
Wiggly Mania! vs. Zack w/ Scyther and Magmar Hay

*Background info. on player*
This guy is good. He usually plays a different deck which I can't remember
what it is. This was probably the easiest round all night. : )

      I finally get my combo going and K.O.ed Scyther's and Magmar's left
and right. I took all 6 prizes and he took 1 because I forgot to put down my
prizes at the start of the game. I never can remember to do that.

Record 4-2

Round 7
Wiggly Mania! vs. Chase w/ Raindance

*Background info. on player*
Chase is a little guy who knows how to play a good game but really doesn't
know how to shuffle correctly. He plays a interesting Raindance with Ditto
and Lapras.

      I get out a couple Scyther's and slash down a Ditto, Lapras and a
Squirtle in about 5 minutes. I really ruined him with Sneak Attack's and
Trap's. We played another game because of the time we had left and he
forfieted because the odds were against him.

Record 5-2

Round 8 (Final Round)
Wiggly Mania! vs. ????? w/ Sabrina deck

*Background info. on player*
I have never seen him before but he plays a solid Psychic deck. Everything is
pure Psychic. I'm so glad I have a Wigglytuff in my deck. : )

      I get the Waving going on turn 2 but with only 3 Pkmn on my bench.
With Gusting and PlusPowers I knock out the 30 and 40 Hp Pkmn. I think he was
trying to stall too. He kept looking at his hand, then he'd look at his Pkmn
and do the same thing over and over and over again. He should of just quit
because I by the time he did even a single bit of damage to me, I had 3
charged up Wiggly's.

Final Record of the day: 6-2

So I walk up the guy doing the scores and I said that I won. About 5 min.
after that he started to call out names for prizes. Miraculousely he called
my name for 1st place! I couldn't believe it. I got 3 Gym: Challenge packs
(like I said before low amount of people, low amount of prizes) and got Koga
(again) Lt. Surges Jolteon (again) and Giovanni's Nidoqueen. I am thinking
about making a deck w/ Lt. Surges Jolteon, Rocket's Zapdos and Chaos Gym.

Now for the underestimated Props and Slops:

Props to:
My dad for taking me
My new untested deck
Wigglytuff, for doing a good job
Bathrooms, because I really had to go one time
Me, for getting 1st place
Pojo.com, for being the best #1 Pokesite out there!

Slops to:
The entry fee
The prizes (3 packs just aren't enough)
The people who didn't sign up for the tournament

Please post this!!!
Well that ought to do it for my report. If you would like to reach me e-mail
me at Pichu27816@aol.com     I do deck fixes and just like to chat about
stuff. Mostly Pokemon and Gundam Wing. This is Jason signing off for now.