Date: July1, 2000
Time: 10:00-12:00                                                   I am 10
years old and this was my first time
Store:  Zany Brainy                                            going to the
pokemon  league.
Location: Springfield, New Jersey

And here is my deck::
3 abras ( rocket)
2 dark kadabras
1 dark alakazam
3 dratinis(rocket)
1 dark dragonair
1 dark dragonite
2  drowzees(rocket)
2 dark hypnos
2 slowpokes(rocket)
1 slowbro (fossil)
1 dark slowbro
1 chansey
1 mp  mewtwo
1 jynx
2 jigglypuffs
1 wigglytuff
19 psy energies
1 potion energy
1 g.o.w.
3 potions
2 boss's ways
1 sleep
1 full heal
1 scoop up
1 challenge
1 lass
1 switch
1 e.r.
1 goop gas

match 1
v.s. Brendan   with   fire/water deck
This duel was short. 4 prizes. His active was a fossil magmar no bench. My
active was puff benched 2 abra 2 drowzees and 1 dratini.  He won the flip
drew a card  attached an energy to magmar smokescreen. My turn drew an
energy attached it to puff tried to lullaby but tails. His turn drew a card
smokescreened. I drew an abra benched it attached an energy to puff flipped
a coin HEADS and did 20 to magmar . He drew a card attached it to magmar
smog no poison. I drew a card it was WIGGLTUFF. attached an energy to puff
evolved to wigglytuff  do the wave for 50 knock out I drew a prize he had no
basics I WIN
1-0 20points

v.s. an older kid  with  psydeck

I forgot this match but I knew I won   SORRY
                                              2-0        40points

V.s. older kid  again  with grass deck
I forgot   this match a little  bit but , He killed me with beedrill.

2-1 50points

Final match
V.s. gymleader     water /fighting  deck

Everybody was  gone so we  played  a sudden  death match .  He won the flip
benched  3 magikarps  His active machop (rocket)  attached an energy  passed
. My turn  dratini active no bench in my hand was dragonair  a lass  the
rest were  energies.
I used the lass  saw  his full  of   2  gyarados  and the rest were
trainers he shuffled them into his deck. I  attached  an  energy passed. He
drew a card  attached  an energy to machop  punch for 20 to dratini  . I
drew a card  evolved  into dragonair attached an energy  passed.  He
punches again for 20  It looked  hopeless for me but,  The card I drew was a
potion  I used it  attached an energy  did tail strike  for  40 . He
attached an energy kicked for 30  and then  I  did tail strike .   I won.
3-1 70 points

 props and slops
 props  to me for making  100 points to going  to the pokemon league  for
the first  time
 props   to pojo  for being the best  pokemon site ever
 props for my  cousins mom for dropping  my cousin and  I  at pokemon league

 slops to  Brendan  for not trading his dark raichu  for  2 holos
 slops  for not  buying booster packs

  My name is  Ajay Rayasam.
Any   questions  or   comments  email me at  LASER49@WORLDNET.ATT.NET