The Tuff Deck, by Jun
                                Bosco's Summer Slam Tournament
                              Anchorage, Alaska   Saturday,July 22
                              About 15-20? people.

This was the first tournament I've been to.It was a multi league
There were people useing  Japanese cards so there was two tournament
one for English and one for Japanese I was in the English one. I forgot
alot of names.
I used a Wigglytuff deck.Heres my deck:
4xJigglypuffs(For Wigglytuff)
4xWigglytuff(with a full bench can do 60HP of damage)
4xHitmonchan(to back up Wigglytuff )
4xScythers(to knockout fighting pokemon that attacks Wigglytuff)
2xChanseys(to stall and knockout big  pokemon)
4xBills(to draw cards)
2xProf.Oak(same as Bill)
2xRockets sneak attack(to see opponents hand and shuffle a trainer away)

2xItemfinders(to get a trainer I need)
4xGust of Wind(to get that low HP pokemon out)
4xEnergy removal ( opponent energyless)
4xEnergy retrieval(need more energy )
2xPluspower(More Power)
2xComputer search( Search  for the Wigglytuff)
4xDCE(power up Wiggly or Jiggly)
12xFighting Energy(Power up any pokemon)
Total 60

Round one Me against ???(I forgot) 2 out of 3
He was good. I started with two Hitmonchans
He had Electabuzz,Jigglypuff and Promo Mewtwo.I drew then attached a
energy onto Chan then kept on Jabbing.
I knocked all his pokemon out.  2nd Battle:I had a Chansey and
He had a couple of MP mewtwos he  went first he attached a energy to
mewtwo then it was my turn I attached a energy to Chan.
He got Electabuzz out then he attached a energy to mewtwo then gust of
wind my
Chansey for chan then knocked it out with Psyburn. He knocked out my
chansey with electabuzz.   third battle: I had Jigglypuff and chansey he
had mewtwo and Chan
He powered up his Chan then knocked all my pokemon out.
Total points :3
Round 2
Me against a girl(forgot her name sorry) with grass deck.
I had a Chan A scyther and a Jiggly.She had a Pinsir,Kangaskhan, and a
She went first. She attached a energy to pinsir my turn. I attached a
energy to
Chan then jabed. She attached a energy to pinsir then used Irongrip Chan
was paralyzed I attached a energy to Jiggly my turns over. She attached
a DCE onto
pinsir then used Gullitone and knocked Chan out I sent Jiggly out then
evoveled it
to Wiggly then filled my bench upthen I used Do the waved to Knock all
her pokemon out. Second Battle:This was a easy one I knocked all her
pokemon with
Chan and wiggly.
Total points:12
Between battles it was a snack break so I got something to drink.

Round 3 Me against Pikafreak(zack) (I hope thats how you spell it)
first battle:I had a chan he had a FS Gastly he knocked me out cold.
second battle I had a chan and he had a TRvoltorb and a pikachu I
knocked out pikachu the voltorb.Third battle: I had Chan , scyther,  a
jiggly and a chansey.
He had two mewtwos  a couple of pikachus and a jiggly.He went first and
attached a energy to jiggly then pounded my Jiggly.I attached a energy
to jiggly then retreated
him for Chan my turns over. He puts my Chan to sleep I flip tails then i
a energy to chan. After he woke up I jabed jiggly faints then he knocks
out my
Chan then I knock his mewtwos out with Chansey then I win by knocking
his 4 pikachus out with Chan.
total points:21
Round four Me against Drew
He had electabuzzs and some other pokemon.
I knocked out all his pokemon with Chan and Chansey.
second battle:I knocked his Buzz out out quikley and another pokemon
I forgot what it was with chan and chansey.
Total points:27
I was one of the top Eight.
Round 5
Me against Marvin
I had Chan he had Ancient Mew knocked me out second turn.
Same thing I Lost that was it.

I had a good time I think I got Fifth or sixth place.
    Props and Slops
Props to boscos for having the tournament
Props to Arric and Chris for showing up
Props for my mom taking me

No slops

                                  Jun Kim