Date:july 18
                                    State: Maryland
                                    City: Pasadena
                                    Place: WaldenBooks Pokemon League

My Deck is called............"MUK is running a MUK"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4x TR Oddish ( just for evolution purposes!)
2x Dark Gloom ( cunfusion and poison attack! I LOVE POISON!!!!!!!)
3x Jungle Gloom ( just for the poison .....oh ......did i
mention.............I LOVE POISON!!!!)
4x Fossil Grimer ( just for evolution purposes!)
3x Dark Muk ( poison,poison,poison,poison and a GREAT pokemon power........I

2x Pro. Oak
2x Challenge!
2x E.R. (energy removal!)
3x Full Heal ( ok i know you think im stupid now but think about it Dark and
Jngle gloom both can get confused!)
2x Imposter Oaks Revenge
2x GOW (for the easy kills!)
2x Computer Search ( to get my MUKS!
hahahaahahhaahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
2x RSA (rockets sneak attack )
2x Switch
1x NGR ( Nightly Garbage Run! )
1x Digger (for a little extra damage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

22x Grass Energy

Now Whats youve all been waiting for!!!!!..........................THE

Match 1:vs. Gym Leader , Russel

ok the game starts out with an opening hand of: Grimer , Oddish and 5
energys! Crappy Hand! he gets a dratini and a squirtle! we flip and I go
first! I draw a card and its a gift from above a MUK! I slap a grass on
Oddish an poison powder his squirtle! He goes and bubles with no para and ten
damage at the end of his turn to him! Then I go and evolve Grimer and slap an
energy on MUK! Then I pass and it does 10 to him! He goes does nothing and
passes! squirtle is KOed because of poison I draw a prize and get a grass
energy! YAY! (being sarcastic!).He sends out dratini and passes! I retreat
oddish slap an energy on Muk and Sludge Punch for 30! He draws a cards and
passes! I use SludgePunch and KO dratini for the WIN! YAY!

match 2 :Kid with Colorless deck!
He the flip the only basic I have is grimer! He Has a Clefairy and Chancey on
the bench! He uses sing! its heads im asleep! Im still asleep i draw a energy
, flip ,and its still tails! He attaches a DCE and metronomes and uses nasty
goo with no para! Im still asleep! to make a long story short I evolve into
muk he uses metronome on me an i die! GAME OVER!  I LOSE! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Match 3 : Little Kid! About 7

We shuffled! I put down my cards and he said........i forfeit ! LOL! what a
and thats about it then I traded alot for new decks im going to make! And I
did the ativity and got my holographic promo eevee! ITS AWESOME! oh yeah and
thanks for taking the time to read my report! SEEYA!

David Pechillo

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