(Scott, please post this deck and call it Layeth The Smacketh Down as the
title, thanks a million)

                                                          Layeth The
Smacketh Down v1 million
Michael Pasaoa
                                                          Scenario Game and
Hobby shop
August 12, 2000

roughly 30 kids

I have been playing a wigglytuff deck forever and I have made many changes,
making it faster, faster, and yes, faster.  This wigglytuff deck that I
played today contained electabuzz because most of the kids at the league
play water decks, mainly because of blastoise.  This deck looks insane but
it is a truely good deck that takes time to play  to its full capability.

Layeth The Smacketh Down v1 million

4xprofessor oak
4xcomputer search
4xplus power
4xrocket sneak attack
3xscoop up
2xenergy retrieval
1xnightly garbage run
1xteam rockets trap
1xno removals gym

4xdc energy
1xfull heal energy

As u can see it doesnt look that great because u see a lot of single cards.
Either thats all I have or i felt those cards werent really necessary or
they were situational.  Lass and nightly garbage run were situational
because i only need them for anti stalling because most kids dont play
trainer dependant decks for me to lass, nor do they play 4er 4ser decks
which would make me play nightly garbage run.

round 1 vs eric with haymaker insanity
I built him the deck but I took it apart easily while in battle.  He got a
buzz and a scyther.  I had a scyther and jigglypuff.  Turn two wigglytuff
came out, no removal gym came out, and also my lass.  I lassed away his oak,
er, cpu search, and gust.  I killed his scyther and the same fate happened
to the electabuzz.
record 1-0

round 2 vs little kid with psy,fire,water
I traded my Blaines Moltres for his Rocket Trap.  BooYa!  I had a buzz and
killed his growlithe, squirtle, and mew.  I like that kid.  I hope he gets
more team rockets trap.
record 2-0

round 3 vs haymaker
this kid beat me at a tourney even thought his deck is not really special.
He had a hitmonchan and electabuzz.  I planted my scyther out in front of
the hitmonchan and built up a jigglypuff on the bench.  I Unleashed the
wiglytuff and planted my no removal gym.  I team rocket trapped him and left
him with no cards left.  I did the wave on the chan and then on the buzz.
record 3-0

round 4 vs raindance
I started with a buzz and squirtle on my bench.  She had a lone lapras.  My
logic failed.  Iwent first.  I could have thunder shocked her and then
thunderpunched for the win but I decide to put the lighting energy on
wigglytuff thinking i could win with style and get wigglytuff loaded on turn
two.  That did not happen.  I never drew an oak early.  I killed the lapras
but she had a benched one.  I almost killed the second one but she got
Blastoise out.  I let her hurt my scythers up, eagerly waitng for an oak.  I
got it and cleaned house with wigglytuff.  That was really close.  Then her
husband challenged me.
record 4-0

round 5 vs potpourri(buzz, mewtwo, magamr)
I went first, snuck attacked his ser and attached an energy to my benched
scyther.  I had a scyther active.  He had a fossil magmar.  Oh boy.  He
smokescreened me.  I attached a dc to scyther sent him out and slashed.  He
attached a psy energy to mewtwo and smokescreened.  I retreated sent him
back out, attached a plus power and killed magmar.  He sent out metwo and
absorbed.  I attached an energy to jigglypuff and slashed.  He killed my
scyther with a plus power.  I sent out jigglypuff, oaked, oaked again,
billed twice, searched for a wigglytuff, attached a dc, put down pokemon,
attached a plus power and ko'd  the mewtwo.  Wow, what a long run on
record 5-0

round 6 vs same guy
He got two buzz but the wrong energy.  Scyther slashed 4 times and I won.
 Thanks to two plus powers.)
record 6-0

round 7 vs sponge
He got mime and ditto.  I pounded his mime and he retreated for ditto.  I
evolved to wigglytuff, got full bench and two plus powers.  I used team
rockets trap and got heads.  That messed him up.  No more hand for him.  I
killed the ditto.  He sent out mime.  I retreated for jigglypuff, attached a
dc and pounded for the game.
record 7-0

round 8 vs dig those digglett deck
He had a base diglett active and benched rocket diglett.  He dug me.  I put
scyther on the bench and pouned with a plus power.  Before that I snuck
attacked his bosses way and professor oak.  He used dig under and hit the
scyther.  I evoled to wigglytuff and searched for two pokemon.  Wave for 40
for the win.
record 8-0

round 9 vs charmander
He had a charmander, charmeleon and lots of fire energy.  I knew because he
thought it was such a good hand and showed it to some kid exposing the whole
hand.  It didnt matter though.  He scrathed my scyther.  I attached a dc to
jigglypuff, attached a plus power, cpu searched for another one, oaked, got
another one, and pounded for 50 for the win.
record 9-0

round 10 vs psydeck
He got a mime and hitmonchan.  I pounded the mime and he retreated for
hitmonchan.  I gusted out the mime and attached an energy to scyther.  I
ko'd the mime.  He sent out hitmonchan and jabbed.  I sent out scyther and
slashed.  He passed and I slashed with a plus power.
record 10-0

I traded 2blaines moltres for an Lt. Surges Electabuzz and Rockets Trap
I got a mistys seadra prerelease.  Whoopdedoo!

Britney Spears, she looks good and signs good, what else do u need!
those girls that came to the league, yowzers!
people that email me
the internet
finally the game of pokemon has finally changed thanks to gym
Survivor the tv show, Rudy is gonna win!
Big Brother, George is gonna win
team rockets trap, very very cool
ponyta because its funny when u kill scyther with him, hahahahaha

ultra slops
slops to Harold for giving me a chokeslam and holding onto my back while
doing it.  He knows that i land on my side and legs first, but since he held
my back i landed back first, and all this pain shot through my whole body as
i slammed onto the grass with tremendous force

mega slops
slops to harold for putting my friend in the crippler crossface.  My friend
then forgave him but he did it again, then my freind forgave him AGAIN, but
then he slapped the crippler crossface on again, i wonder why my friend kept
forgiving him? oh yah after the last crippler crossface my friend forgave
him and know they are freinds

normal slops
no competition
the crippler crossface
sorry gym cards like goldeen, zubat, tentacool
school is near, sob!

My name is Michael.  I LOVE getting emails.  Even though summer is almost
gone I still am bored.  I can be your very own deck mechanic.  Actually, I
WILL be your deck mechanic.  Just email me. Simple as that.  Wrestling
vpasa@msn.com U can call me the Crippler Crossface Kid.