Comic Book
Date :April,4
12 people enetered
Well this was a pertty good day for me well i all get write to it
my deck:
4-Fossel Magmar
14 pokemon
4-Super Energy Removal
4-Gust OF Wind
1-Pro. Oaks
1- scoop up
4-full heal
18 traniers
10-Fire Energy
9-Fighting Energy
9-Grass Energy

Round 1 Me Vs Kid With Psy Deck
i got 2 basic a scyther, and hitmonchan and he got a lonley abra i sent out
hitmonchan and i got figthing energy on him and did 20 he got a psy energy on
abra and used psyshock and did 20 but he fliped tails and i killed him and
ran he ran out of  basic..That Was easy!!!!
recored 1-0

Round 2 Me Vs Rick custom deck
i get a Hitmonchan and i win the flip he gets a Bellsprout why a bellsprout?
i get a fighting energy put it on hitmonchan and did 20 damage.he put a grass
energy on bellsprout he used call for family and got another bellsprout the i
killed his bellsprot.the ue sent out his other Bellsprot and he used vine
whip and did 10 i got a fossel magamar placed a fire on him and then i did 20
again. adn he did10 again and then i won.
recored 2-0

Round 3 me Vs kid with Grass deck
he sent out grimer and this time i got fossel magamar he goes first he placed
a grass energy on grimer and used minimize,I pleace a fire enrgy on magmar
and passed.he used grimer again i put another fire energy on magamr and did
20 damage to grimer. he evolve girmer into muk and the put another grass
enrgy on muk and used sluge and he did 30 and flipped tails and then i did
not poison me.i got a full poward himonchan out and did 40 and used sluge
again and filppped tail. i kill muk he sent out weedle and did nothing and
then i killed weedle to and won.

Round 4 me Vs kid with water type deck
i got chansey and put him out to stall i win flip i out a dce on scyther and
pass he has poliwag out and does 10 to chansey, i scoop up chansey and put
scyther and put and grass energy on scyther and did 60 damage and beat
he send out porygon and uses converson 2 becuase he pue dce on it. my turn i
use sowrds dance and attack next turn and beat porygon. he send put srticuno
and useed blizzard and did 50. i use super energy removal twice and used
slash. he put water energy on him andi did slash again. he outs anothers and
used super energy removal again and the used slash. he does nothing and i
kill him for the win.

Props and Slops
Props to the kid who traded for my charizard and gave me 6 holos for and he
new he was getting riped off
Props for me winning
Props for my firend for taking me
Now for the slops
Slops for these people not being good
Slops for the kis who tryed to steel my cards
E-mail me and give me advice at MLBshorty@aol.com
Thank You,
David Boston