Hey Pojo I Entered a Tournament at the Invaison Card shop in West Covina
on the 1st of April.
the enrty fee was 5$ and the prize was Pokemon Staudium.Not bad maybe I
could Sell it for something Better. heres my deck.
Pokemon 16 [Kinda High]

4 Jigglypuff
4 Wigglytuff
3 Electabuzz
3 Promo Mewtwo
2 Scyther

Trainers: 27

4 Bill
4 Oak
4 Comp. Search
3 Scoop Up
3 Lass
2 Gust Of Wind
4 Plus Power

Energy: 20

9 Psy
7 Electric

Game 1: Me vs.ScyMonBuzz Deck

This might be easy. I Drew a good hand [After a Mulligan] which had
jiggly oak scyther mewtwo DCE scyther [again] Bill I Layed down jiggly
as my active and the rest on my bench i billed got electabuzz and psy
energy i put DCE on jiggly puff and pounded his turn he scooped up up
his buzz and put jabbed with hitmonchan. my turn I oak get wiggly mewtwo
energys and some trainers i put mewtwo down and did the wave for 60.
After that his scythers and Buzzes were not quite enough for wiggly and
plus powers I win 1-0

Me vs. RainDance

Short game electabuzz thundershock with plus power on magicarp

Me vs. Tentacool Damage swap

this would be interesting he started with a mime with arba  and a
tentacool on his bench.
my hand I started with JigglyPuff [YES!] DCE electabuzz,mewtwo,wiggly
and bill

I put down jiggly as my active with Buzz and mewtwo on my bench i slaped
doqn DCE and pounded for 20 on his mime his turn his does nothing I
pound his mime is dead he then promotes tentacool but I handle Him with
a Plus power he then puts down Arba I oak for a plus power and get and


Final round Me vs. Sponge hmm my deck is Could Handle This I get Wiggly
on turn 2 while his mewtwo his burning me for 10 he then bring out a
Ditto but I handle hm with a couple of plus powers his final pokemon
electabuzz thunder punches my wiggly for 40 he has 10 hp left while I
oak all of my  deck for plus power and find it I win

4-0 I Get the Game in which I sold For 60$ not bad

Anthony M.          Y2A@hotmail.com