When: 4-22-00
Where: The Danger Room in Anderson, Indiana
Participants: 30
    Here I am again, Pojo. This time I decided to go back to my original
Extinction deck again because it had never lost and i played some close
matches at the last tournament with Extinction Revitalized. I was very
pleased with my deck's results and I hope all of you that had tournaments on
the day that Team Rocket came out like me can learn from this. Instead of the
tournament starting at noon like it normally would, it started at one to
accomodate the release of Team Rocket. Well, I got in line and the boosters
were $5.00 however first edition. The guy in front of me bought a BOX!!!! A
freakin' box already! jeez. Anyway, people at the store for the most part got
too crazy about team Rocket and tried to build decks around it in an hour(Big
Mistake). Here's the deck, then the report:
12 Fighting
4 Hitmonchan( great combo with Mime)
10 Psychic
4 Mr. Mime( Just have to have him for it to be Extinction)
4 D.C.E.
4 Scyther
3 Chansey( Double-Edge is great for any time....Especially when you have a
prize advantage. HE IS NOT JUST A STALLER!!!!!)
19 Trainers:
4 Bill
4 Potion(Saves you a turn of damage with Mr. Mime and that may be all you
4 E.R.
4 G.O.W.( a good addition to Extinction)
2 Oak
1 Energy Retrieval(Great for almost any situation i can think of)

Round one Vs. Zach with Fighting/ Fire- Chans, Wigglytuffs, and Fossil
    This started off pretty evenly with his Fossil Magmar whooping my
Scyther, then me K.O. ing Magmar. Then I brought up Scyther and gusted up his
Jigglypuff and koed that in 2 turns because he didn't have any energy to
retreat. After that i denied him the chance to power up anything with energy
removals while i built up a Chansey, then i gusted up his wigglytuff and
ko'ed wigglytuff with Chan's Special Punch. He then brought up Scyther and
Slashed me but by this time Chansey is ready to come in and finish strong. I
retreat and see that all he's got left is a Magmar and Scyther on the bench,
so out comes my chansey with 4 energy(hehehe) and I double-edge both of them
for the win.
Round 2 VS. Cy with grass/ water- all i saw was Scythers/ Pinsirs-2 each
    I start out strong by energy- removaling his benched scyther and Koing
his Pinsir in three turns with Hitmonchan. He, of course, brings up scyther
but in two turns Mr. mime is out and starts Meditating Scy to death. he has
no energy but gets another Scyther and Pinsir on the bench to prolong the
game. I KO scyther in three turns while Chansey is getting ready on the
bench. he finally has an energy and lays it down, but I Bill twice and energy
removal him, then retreat Mime and bring in Chansey to Double-Edge Pinsir and
Scyther for the lack of basics win.
Round 3 VS. Buddy with Fighting/ Colorless- Geodude, cubone, Rhyhorn, and
dragonair/spearow was what i saw.
    He gets out a Dragonair with three energy by the 4th turn and it's not
looking good when he KOs my Hitmonchan. Then I Oak and get a better hand. i
keep Dragonair at bay with energy removals while i Jab away with Hitmonchan
and get 60 damage on him, then retreat for a pumped scyther and Slash him.
Now he's in trouble because everything he's got left- Cubone, Rhyhorn, and
Geodude- is weak to Scyther. I go on a killing spree and he finally draws
Spearow and has cubone on the bench. My Potions kept the damage away from
Scyther, then I brought in Chansey to Double-Edge twice and win the game.
Round 4 VS. Nathan with Fighting/ Colorless
    He mulligans once and i draw two extra cards- Potion and energy removal-
to add to my great hand of two Mr. Mimes, a Hitmonchan, and the rest energy.
He starts out his Ditto, i start Chan and go first, Jabbing. He gets an
energy and does the same. I Potion( a key move), then slap an energy on mime
to prepare for his Psychic- weak Machop and Hitmonlee, then jab again. next
turn he gets a colorless and special punches. Next turn i energy removal him
twice, Bill twice and get the potion i was looking for, use it and jab after
i lay an energy on mime. He can't do anything so i retreat Chan for Mime,
KOing Ditto, then it's a breeze from there with Meditate and gust of wind
killing his Machop and Hitmonlee for the win.
Round 5 VS. Justin with Grass- Scythers/ Pinsirs
     I have terrible luck and start with a Mime and a Scyther. His Pinsirs
and Scythers and all his trainers( he had great luck with them- 4 energy
removals and 2 G.O.W.) just killed me and by the time i got my cards i needed
he had taken his sixth prize and i was amazed that i even got three kills on
him. This was my first loss with this deck in four tournaments! Now I was
good and mad, wanting revenge soon. I kept my cool on the outside and looked
through my decks remaining cards to discover worse luck: all my Chans, almost
all my trainers(I only got one the whole game!) and my chanseys were in
there. Oh well, you can't do anything about bad luck and it happens to
Round 6 VS. Nathan again- Fighting/ Colorless
    This was hands- down the easiest match i've ever played. I won the coin
toss, sent out Hitmonchan. All he has is a Clefairy. I slap down a Fighting
energy and kill him with Jab for the game. Cool for me, not for him.
Round 7: BYE
Round 8 VS. Zach with Fighting/ Fire again
    This was a long match but i eventually won with Hitmonchan coming in to
wreck his 3 Puffs/ Tuffs and then Mr. Mime cleaning up his Scythers for the
Round 9 VS. Justin again with Grass
    YES! Now it's time for revenge! The odds were stacked against me: I had
to win twice in a row to win the tournament: all he had to do was beat me
once. He was still undefeated to this point. OK, here goes:
This ended up being a pretty one-sided and quick match. I energy removaled
him on three consecutive turns and got a kill on his Pinsir with my chan,
then he brought in Scyther and i retreated my chan for mime and meditated
away for the win because of lack of basics.
Round 10 VS. Justin/ Grass
Ok, now it was winner-take-all and i sensed his nervousness and decided to go
for the kill. This match was longer but Extinction controlled the game and my
strategy worked brilliantly. I brought in chan when i saw his pinsirs and
Energy Removaled him, brought in Mime to deal with Scyther and gust of winded
him and used bills to get the card advantage while i got Chansey ready, then
by this time i retreated my chan, slapped a colorless on Chansey and capped
off my comeback by Double-Edging his lone scyther for the tournament win.

I became the only person in the history of the Danger Room to win twice in a
row to take the tournament away from an undefeated person. It felt great to
win over all the Rocket-Crazy kids. No offense to Rocket, i just don't think
people should try to make decks out of something that you only have an hour
to look over and that you don't really know that much about yet. Team Rocket
is gonna be a great set when it is out a while and people really learn how to
use the cards right and study them. Now for Props and Slops:
Props to Ry the Pokefreak for placing in the top 5 after getting his decks
stolen and having to start over again.
Props to Chansey and Potion for saving me at times.
Props to my other friend Brian Murphy for doing well in his first tournament:
Brian if you're reading this, two things: 1 I need my dice back! :) and 2
great job for your first tournament and keep improving your deck and come
back strong next tourney!
Slops to Brian Cohee for borrowing a Team Rocket deck and losing.
Slops to all unoriginal deck-makers and deck stealers/ bad sports.
Thank you.
Robby Haught
All questions, comments, and suggestions are greatly appreciated and can be
sent to: thejabronikid14@hotmail.com