City: Winnipeg, Canada
Place: Pendragon Hobbies and Card Store
Date: April 8, 2000

This is my second deck I'm submitting to this section of the page. It's
actually a variation on my Arcanine Shock deck (see March 31). I traded
for these Wiggly's today, as I had none before.
    It was league play today, but we had a tournament, swiss style.
There was a prize, but no one found out until we finished. Here's the

Arcanine's Wiggly Friend

4x Jigglypuff
3x Wigglytuff
4x Growlithe
3x Arcanine
2x Magnemite
1x Magneton (Base)
2x Magmar (Fossil)
2x Electabuzz

4x Bill
2x Professor Oak
2x Switch
3x Plus Power
2x Computer Search
2x Defender
1x Gambler
1x Gust of Wind

11x Fire
7x Electric
4x Double Colorless

    My strategy is the conventional Turbo Wiggly/Turbo Arcanine deck.
Both can do heavy damage, and are pretty fast to get out (being stage

Game 1 vs. Robert (Fire/Water)

    This guy was being a brat from the start. He blatantly cheated
throughout the entire match (unless when the gym leader was watching).
His cheating didn't matter though. I started with Growlithe(bench),
Arcanine, Jiggly(active), DCE, and a couple bills, while he started with
Charmander, with 2 Squirtles on the bench. I won the toss, and drew
Wigglytuff. I put the DCE on Jigglypuff and pounded for 20. He drew a
card, and placed Water on Char, and scratched. I drew a Plus power, and
used my bills (forgot the last turn). I drew 3 Electric and a Magmar. I
put the Magmar down, and put Electric on Jiggly, and evolved. I did the
wave for 30. He put fire on Char and Scratched (what an idiot). I drew
another Bill, and used it, picking up a DCE and Fire. I put Fire on
Growlithe, and evolved. I did the wave for the KO, picking up Defender
as my prize. He put out Squirt, and drew. He used Comp Search, and
brought out a DCE, evolved, and bit for 40. I drew an Oak, and used it,
drawing enough basics to fill my bench, and a PP. I put the PP down and
did the wave for the KO (Magmar). He then tried to cheat, picking up 2
cards. I told him to put the last one he drew back, which he did. Squirt
was out, and he passed. On my turn, he was looking through the top cards
of his deck for one to draw. I told him he couldn't do it, and he got
POed. Wiggly took over the rest.


Post-match, he wanted to count my deck. He did, and told me it didn't
count because I wasn't over the card limit, but under it with 59 cards.
The gym leader came over, and counted. Of course, there was 60.

Game 2 vs. Scott w/ Water/Colorless/Fighting

    This game didn't take long, Wigglytuff sliced through Sandshrew,
Squirtle, and Dragonair.


Game 3 vs. Andrew w/ Water/Fire

    A lot of Water/Fire decks there today. Anyways, I started with
Growlithe as my active, and Flared through most of his Energy-less
Pokes. Arcanine came in and did the rest.


Game 4 vs. ??? w/ Psychic/Fighting

    I was lucky enough to only encounter a Diglett for fighting pokemon.
He built it up while Mew sat out, being Gnawed by Pikachu. I had a
Jiggly w/ DCE on the bench, and switched out Pika for Jiggly, and Gusted
out Diglett. I pounded with a Plus Power to knock out the Wiggly threat.
Jiggly evolved into Wiggly, and tore through Hypno and Mew.


Game 5 vs. Tyler w/ Fire/Fighting

    This was getting interesting now. If I lost this game, we would be
tied with 1 loss each, with me playing yet another Water/Fire deck,
while he would be playing Andrew (he hadn't won yet, he really wasn't
that good). He started with Chan, and I was really worried. Luckily, I
had Growlithe and Magmar to back me up. Magmar was my active, and I
smoke screened for 10. He tried a jab on his turn, missing. I drew a
Wiggly, and evolved, putting a DCE on it. I smokescreened. He attached,
and Jabbed with a plus Power for 30. I Screened again, attaching to
Wiggly, and he attached to Chan, and KOed Magmar, not before Potioning
twice. I wanted a plus power, so I sent out growlithe to deal with chan
until I got one. I drew one in 2 turns, just in time for Growlithe to
hit the dust. Wiggly came out, and KOed Chan. I had another threat,
Charmeleon and Rapidash. Anyways, this game got down to me with 5 prizes
left, and him with 1. I had 2 pumped up Wigglys on the bench, and one
active. The active Wiggly had 30 HP left, so a Slash would KO it, so
would a Rapidash agility. One on my bench had 30 on it, bait for a
Flamethrower, or for a Stomp with 2 PP, as I knew he had in his hand (he
kept bragging to his friend). I drew a DCE, and used it to retreat
Wiggly. I put my healthy one out, and gusted out Rapidash, who had 10 HP
left. I smacked the horse around, and drew my prize. Charmeleon came
out, and flamethrowered my Wiggly. I needed a Bill, or an Oak, or
something. I get a Bill, and draw my 2 Comp Searches! I search for 2
Plus Powers, and Smack Charmeleon around. Eevee comes out, and Quick
Attacks, with a plus power. He flips tails, and Wiggly's still in! I
hastily retreat Wiggly for the one with 30 damage on it, and kick
Eevee's arse. Wiggly sliced through his unprepared Ponyta's and
Charmanders for the narrow win!


Game 6 vs. Joel w/ Water/Fire

    This was the same situation as the last game, but this guy still had
2 more games to play after me. This game wasn't as hard as the last one.
The guy I last played was playing beside us, and took one look at my
hand, and advised his friend to quit while he was ahead. I had
Growlithe, Jiggly, Arcanine, Wiggly, an Oak, and 2 DCE. I put Jiggly as
active, and won the toss. I put DCE on the Puffster, and used pound on
Charmander (these people are obsessed with Charmander and Squirtle). He
drew, and scratched me for 10. I drew a Defender, and evolved both my
shady characters. I put the defender on Wiggly, DCE on Arcanine, and
used the Oak, drawing 3 Energy (Fire), and 4 Pokes, enough to fill the
bench. I tore him apart with Wiggly, and when it was KOed (stupid
Bubble/Chansey coin combo), Arcanine came out and finished the rest.


I won the tourney! I was given a choice of prize: some packs of Action
Flips with Pokemon on them, Pokemon stickers (a sandwich bag full of
these packs), a plastic deck holder, or store credit for 2 Team Rocket
first Edition boosters, starting upon the release day. I quickly chose
the boosters. I wonder what I'll get in them?......

Anyway, Props and Slops time

To Tyler and Joel for being good sports.
To Wigglytuff, the ultimate turbo card!
To Arcanine, the card that helped me out today as well.
To the 2 boosters I bought (1 Base Set, 1 Base Set Two) with two
Venusaurs in them.

To Robert for being the biggest sore loser I've ever seen (everyone said
he'd win, but he lost 4 times after me and left in frustration. Heh

If you have ANY comments about the deck, or my writing skills, or later
on (after the 24th) about what I got in my TR boosters, email me at