Pokemon League
Toys 'R Us
Around 15 Participants
9:30 AM to 11:30AM
Saturday, April 8, 2000

    It seems like each time at the 'League we're getting fewer and fewer
people.  When Lee,Ryan,Viet, and I arrived, only the Gym Leaders were there,
and it stayed that way for the first 15 minutes.  Each of us just got
partnered up in our usual opponents:Ryan v.Viet,Gym Leader v. Gym Leader,and
Lee v. yours truly.  Our league now has Holo Mews, but in order to get them
you must earn 250 points in battles only, so it's gonna be a rough ride. 
Anyways, this deck is simply my Triple Threat deck slightly modified for the
better.  It's simply a sponge variant that fits my fancy.  Anyways, on with
the show.


8 Electric
12 Psy

4 'Buzzes
3 Promo Mewtwos
3 Scythers
2 Mr.Mimes
1 Gastly(fossil)
1 Ditto

3 Energy Removals
3 Gusts
2 Super Energy Removals
2 PlusPowers
2 Bills
2 Oaks
2 Itemfinders
2 Energy Retrievals
3 Scoop Ups
1 Comp.Search

Match 1- Lee w/ mono Fight Speed 'Tuff
    I thought I had this match lost.  Apparently, however, Lee drew only a
Scyther also.  Lee oaked and still got only energy and so he simply scooped
up his lone Scyther and I win.

Match 2- Lee w/ mono Fight Speed 'Tuff
    This was quite a match.  Both of us got slow starts. All we had were
Scythers, except for my Ditto.  We slashed a bit and played some ER.  For
most of the game Lee was ahead in prizes by one.  'Buzz wasn't able to
paralyze Wiggly and was waved by as I built Ditto up and waved away his
Wiggly.  Ditto gusts out a Hitmo and special punches but it is scooped up and
stripped away of its energy. Ditto is then retreated. Then Gastly and Scyther
play a li'l double teaming as Gastly paralyzes and dishes out 30 or 40(thanks
to PlusPower) and then tags Scyther in for a final slash.  Gastly later gets
KOed by another Scyther, but Mr. Mime premeditated this and avenged his
death.  Lee got some more prizes by KOing my Mewtwo and a Scyther.  Prizes
are now 2-3 in Lee's favor, but his resources have nearly diminished. I
slashed away 2 Scythers quickly thanks to my Scyther and Pluspower. He gusted
out a Mewtwo in hopes of stalling me w/ his energyless Wiggly since my deck
was running low.  But I played a DBC for retreat and T.Punched away for the

Match 3- Ryan w/ Fire/Electric
    I forgot how this started but we both got good draws.  I went first.I got
my Mewtwo pumped and ready at the end of my 1st turn.  Ryan had a lowly
Charmander and active 'Buzz.  We didn't get any farther 'cuz we ran out of
time.  So, both of us got 20 points for winning and we were satisfied.

    Well, I also did a li'l tradin' today to get more points. I also taught
another youngin' how to play the game and suggested his mother to buy the
Starter Bundle w/CD-ROM.  For the most part, this was a pretty good day. 
Moral of the report is: NEVER eeee...EVER overestimate your opponent.  Just
play and find out yourself.  Keeping that in mind, don't underestimate
him/her either.  That's the bottom line 'cuz HamstaJ said so!!!!!

John "da Hamsta"

hamsterjohn@britney-spears.com or