Hey Pojo!
This is a new deck i created, I elaborated on an Instant Kill deck idea over
the last month.

Plz ignore spelling errors (i hate those damn x's and g's)

Hyper Eggs

Pokemon (16)

4 Exeggute
4 Exeggutor
4 Voltorb
4 Electrode

Energy  (8)

4 Psychic
4 Double Colorless

Trainer (36)

4 Bill
4 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
4 Maintenance
4 Pokedex
4 Defender
4 Pluspower
2 Gust of Wind
4 Item Finder
2 Full Heal

OK.  Some notes about the deck:  When playing always computer search for a
professor oak.  Use Maintenance to save cards before Oaking.  Slap down
Defenders and Pluspowers as you get them ( i noticed they're great for this
deck because i never have to discard em to Oak)
Try to get an Electrode and Exeggutor on the 2nd turn and some energies on
him then buzzap onto him and immediately start exploding.
Dont deck yourself and have fun!

Tourney at Microplay, Thursday the 24th of September.  6-9 pm.  Not DCI
sanctioned, 2$ entry fee and winner takes all in store credit.
Cap at 12 but that never seems to happen ever since school came around.
We had a pretty low number of ppl considering we had all these great summer
tourneys with 12-16 ppl in them.
8 people.  We played 4 rounds and the best 4 records go to semifinals.

Round 1
I play some kid with a stall deck, kind of weird with kangaskhans, chanseys,
and clefairys.  It seems like a stall at least, i think 1 alakazam.
Anyway, he plays a Kangaskhan to begin with and a clefairy on his bench.  I
get an Exeggute.  I win the coin flip.  1st turn i think i went through half
of my deck, but it was worthwile.  Throughout the turn i used computer
searches, item finders, and professor oaks.  I end up with 2 voltorbs and
exeggute on my bench, some good stuff in my hand.  After that i just trashed
him with pluspowers and a hell of a lot of energy on Exeggutor.


Round 2
I play vs. a haymaker.  Really annoying but i got lucky.  He begins with a
scyther and i begin with a voltorb.  He wins coin flip, swords dance.  I
energy, bill, maintenance, professor oak, exeggute, get a good hand.  I go
no further.  Defender on Exeggute after retreating Voltorb.  I survive a
turn but this game was SO hopeless as he energy removed and I ran really low
on cards and had no hand most of the time.


Round 3
Play vs. some really annoying bratty girl who was (i think) 11 or something,
she keeps saying FUCK, yet she's too young and its getting annoying.  She
has a straight fighting deck and is showing off about 4 hitmonchans.
She begins with 2 hitmonchan and machop.  I get Exeggute.  I start swapping
cards through my deck really quickly, end up with around 25 cards in my
deck.  I get really nice stuff out, but I end up nearly doomed because i
cant kill her stuff fast enough.  On the turn that i had no cards left to
draw from my deck
( 1 turn before loss )  i beat her.  I was so glad i beat that pissy kid! :)
and in style too


Round 4

Play against a raindance.  A pretty stupid one considering it has 1
blastoise.  He opens with squirtle and poliwag, i open with voltorb.
He quickly gets wartortle and poliwhirl but barely any energy.  A pretty
easy game considering he gave me alot of time to draw through most of my
deck for what i needed to kill him, my faithful exeguttor and electrodes.  I
did almost kill him until i noticed my faithful exeguttor with 2 dbl
colorless and 2 electrodes died.  After that i ran out of stuff to fight
with and a single gyarados trashed my remaining pokemon.


No finals, I'll try again next time. :)
