I attended a tournament, at past present future in Sunrise,Florida on
8/24 of about 15 people. I came in second but because i forgot to pick up
prizes and i lost to a kid that cheated so believe me this is beyond a killer
    In the first game it was a kid that had no experience that had only like
two trainers and had a water deck so he only started out with a magikarp and
a wartortle so i easily killed his magikarp and wartortle because of thrie
weakness. 1-0
    The second game was a little tougher and this game i won cause of the
time limit. This kid had a haymaker but insteof scyther he had 4 kangaskhans.
i saw that he cheated alittle but i let it slide and he started with
hitmonchan and 3 kangaskhans. So i started with two electabuzz and was
loading energys to hitmonchan cause of the weakness of kangaskahn so
eventually he killed my two electabuzzes but i had 3 hitmonchans filled with
energys so i gust of winded his kangakahn and with a plus power i killed it
with special punch in one shot cause of kangaskahns weakness. and i killed 3
of them so then time ran out i won. 2-0
in the third game the kid was inexperienced and had a rain dance and he
started out with a squirtle wartortle and blastoise in his hand thats it so
luckily i went first so then i broght out electabuzz and did thundershock and
it did double damage so since he couldn't evolve on his first turn so i used
thundershock thats game. 3-0
    The next game i got a bye cause the kid i was playing quit.4-0
    This game was the kid who cheated that had a fire deck and he somehow got
4 charizards out quick but no worry i had 4 electabuzzes and a scyther and
with a few super removals i was ok. i kept using thunderpunch and i killed
his 3 of his charizards but not before he killed all my electabuzzes so i
brought out scyther which used slash with a plus power and his charizard had
40 hp left so i won. 4-0
    I won the tournament because the rest of the kids were young so i won and
got $45 store credit.
Heres my deck:
4 electabuzz
4 hitmonchan
4 scyther
2 colorless energy
12 fighting energy
15 lighting energy
2 super energy removals
2 oaks
1 com. search
2 energy retrival
1 switch
1 super potion
4 bills
1 defender
2 plus power
1 poke ball
1 scoop up
1 gust of wind

        danny    AUSD1185@aol.com