First of all i think i can proove that younger players are good. I'm 11.
here's the deck:

Mr.Chan Haymaker

4 Hitmonchan (Backup)
2 Jynx
2 Mr. Mime (Rain Dance Killer)
2 Scyther
2 Lickitung

12 Fighting Energy
10 Psychic Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy

4 Bill
4 Gust of Wind
4 Energy Removal
3 Computer Search
3 S.E.R
2 Scoop Up
2 Prof. Oak

This deck has been used  alot since I made it, and improvments have been
made. I like the energy removal the best of all and the computer searches
are for finding anything u need at the time. The tourney was at the Pokemon
Club Tourney thing at Zainy Branies on the 11th. Anyone could come and it
was one powerful turnout, of 40+ kids that showed up to play. Many more just
came to trade. It was full of Japanese card trading and I came home with 2
japanese cards, a blaine ninetailes and a holo kabutops. Sweet. Anyways, to
the tourney report.

                             Game one

Playing a fire deck with a couple of grass. It was actually a grass deck
using the colorless Charizard strategy.Way to many evolutions but the
evolution were all set up good. He had a 3rd turn Nidoking and Charmeleon.
He had energy problems and I took full advantage of that. I put out Mr.Mime
(Dangerous v.s Nidoking) against a charmeleon. I took it out and he put out
scyther. Gusy of wind out Nidoking and do 20 damage. I regret having no
pluspowers cuz i would have had a next turn kill if i did. Dang, he toxics
and kills me. Put out scyther and he toxics. I retreat and put out a jynx
that does 80 damage (weakness of nidoking) and its dead. His scythers keep
switching around. I overpower him with jynx and gust of wind. His name was

                              Game 2

Ouch. A haymaker with lickitung and scythers. ouch, deck overpowered. But i
draw a scyther, excellent. I keep energy away from him and I have 2 prizes
when he draws a Ponyta. Ouch again. Ofcourse, not being a strategy man he
leaves it on the bench because it only had 40 hp (loser) Apearently it was
Scotts potpourri. I win (Close but no cigar) 2-0 Name was Mike (10)

                               Game 3

Disqualified. He draws 13 cards and picks out prizes when I'm not looking.
Did'nt catch hids name.

                              Game 4

This kids definetly rigged his deck. He had a fisr turn Blastoise and 3
energies on it. Then he oaked. These kids say that he did rig it. He admits
it. He gets disquilified but it duzent count as a loss for him.

                                  Final 4

Me  v.s a sweet energy removal. I want to make it. Ofcouse, i screwed it up
from the begginning with energy removal and gust of wind. He gets a
Dragonair but i s.e.r to remove 2 d. colorless from it (YYYYEEEESSSS) and
slash for the win. 5-0


Nooooo. A horrible reeeking hand for me. He gets a chan and i get a mr,mime.
I go fist but theres no way to win. I had no chance. My hand stunk. I needed
to shuffle better. I wrote it down. It was- 3 fighting energy, 2 psy energy.
1 Mr.Mime ,1 Scoop Up. I draw - Psy Energy, Energy Removal (May i mention
that the next three cards were also energy removal, i sorted it out on my
bye round and they did'nt get shuffled.

I get 20 dollars in store credit so i don't know what to get. I got a bent
mewtwo, a hitmonchan , and a Japanese Alazazam that looks like the american
one. I already traded the alazazam and hitmonchan, no one want mewtwo.
Tourney was awasome.

                                         Thanx for reading,
                                           neal sengupta