I used this deck at a local tournament in pastimes, In Wilmette, Il. There
were about 20 people there, and the style was single elimination. It was a $2
entree fee, so I was scared I would get kicked out right after the first
game. Here is the Deck,

4 Himonachan  (the boxing man)
3 electabuzz  (low energy requirments)
2 scyther  (great starter)
4 farfetch'd  (thinking of replacing)
3 scoop up  (Every pokemon is basic, so It's logical)
4 energy removal (suck those energy away from your opponent)
4 SER (Suck the energy even more)
3 professor oak ( get a new hand!)
2 itemfinder (get your trainers back
3 computer search (search for any card!)

11 fighting energy
8 electric energy
5 leaf(scyther really doesn't need any)
4 double Courless(for scyther+farfetch'd)


My report:
(Sorry If I get the names wrong on some of these)
1 game:fire+water deck
I was playing my friend Jon, I would usually beat him, but his time I was
scared because he has gotten better over the last couple of days. I get
hitmonchan as an active. He gets Charmander as active, and a squirtle on his
bench. I win the coin flip, I go first.I jab his charmander. Then he
scratches me. I draw and energy removal, and jab him again. He puts an energy
on his squirtle and scratches me again. I draw and oak, could come in
usefull, and jab. Charmander goes down the drain. He sends out squirtle, pu
goldeen on his bench. He fails to withdraw. I energy removal him, and then
oak. I put scyther and electabuzz on my bench. put an energy on electabuzz,
and jab his wartortle. He does withdraw, and headsI put another energy on
electabuzz, and pass. he does bite to me. I scoop up hitmonchan and send out
electabuzz to Kill his Wartortle. He Sends out goldeen, makes it evolve, gust
of wind my scyther, and does waterfall. Then, I retreat scyther and thunder
punch, get heads, win.

game 2.=don't know
It was the shortest game of my life. I think his name was ben. I got
hitmonchan, he got clefairy.I went first. Guess who wins?

Game 3=Bye

Game 4= His name was Shredar.VERY tough game. Raindance.It was so blurry
because I wanted to win so badly. We both were down to 1 prize.It was at the
very end. I had a unpowered scyther, him poliwrath., Blastoise on Bench. He
water guned me for thirty. I put energy on scyther and sword danced. He put
three energy on blastoise, big mistake. He water gunned me for thirty, and I
slashed for a win.

Game 5=for 1st place. name was zach. Dragonair removal deck.
I went first, I had farfetche'd , chancey. I leekslaped, failed. He puts
energy on his benched dratini, and passes. I put double colorless, put
hitmonchan on my bench and pot smashed. He puts another energy on Dratini,
makes it evolve, and passes. I put an energy on farfetch'd and SER his
Dragonair. I pot smashed again. He put another energy on Dragonair and
passed. I potsmashed chancey. He puts double colorless on dragon air, and
passes. Everything Else I could not remember.'

I got first place. I got  a power reserve, and I Blastoise. No bad

I'm Pokesmart1@aol.com
Shawn He