Here is my all colorless deck that I played at a tournament on Labor
Day at Heroes and Fantasies in Bakersfield, CA:

2 Dragonair
2 Dratini
2 Wigglytuff
4 Jigglypuff
2 Farfetch'd (In case of those damn fighting decks)
3 Kanghaskhan
4 Tauros

2 Super Energy Removals
4 Energy Removals
2 Switches (for very Kanghaskhan reasons)
2 Gust of Winds
3 Super Potions (gotta keep Wigglytuff and Dragonair alive)
2 Potions
2 Bills

2 Double Colorless Energy
22 Energy of your choice

 So, here's what happened at the tournament (there were 18 people)

 Round 1
I played a Raindance deck. (What a great start.) Of course, I got my

Round 2
I played some kid with a grass deck, but all he got out was Clefairies.
Well, I put, like all my basics on my bench and Did The Wave. I won.

Round 3
I played some kid with a fire/water deck. Big Whoop. I lost once 'cause
he had a FULLY loaded Arcanine and I had, well, (I'm embarrassed to say
this) a Dratini.

So I kept playing and winning with Wigglytuff, UNTIL I fought a kid
named C. L.

Round ???
dum de dum dum dum. This guy had a fire deck. And it all came down to a
coin flip. (I was using Kangaskhan and I was doing Comet Punch. Hey
everybody! Guess what I flippped? 4 FRIGGIN' TAILS! So, naturally, I
lost. The end of my reign at the tournament.

 Well at least in one of the packs I won had a Gyarados in it. Good Luck
To Everyone Entering A Pokemon Tournament! Email me with your
suggestions for my deck at

P.S to The Pojo: Please post my deck.