Hello. The tournament i competed in was held in Bramptom, Ontario, Canada.
At a shop called the Comic Warehouse. It was on Satuday,September 11, 1999.
I used a Killer Fighting Deck Called The HitmonChampion. I won 6-0! I was
Undefeated with this MasterPiece.

My deck Comsists of:

4 Machop
4 Machoke
4 Machamp
3 Hitmonchan
4 Kangaskhan
1 Clefairy

28 Fighting Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy

2 Energy Removal
1 Super Energy Removal
1 Pokemon Breeder
1 Computer Search
4 Bills (Manditory-A Must)
1 Super Potion

A Grand Total Of 60.

This is How The Tournament Went:

Match 1: I was battling this kid named Jake. He had a 6 color deck, and he
was playing with only 1 of each energy. This is how the match went. First
draw I whip out a Hitmonchan with a Machop on the bench with 2 energies. he
pulled put a Jigglypuff and the lucky kid got 1 energy. He used sing and
Hitmonchan was down and asleep, but not before I did a Jab. His only basic
was a Jigglypuff. All of his other cards were evolved ones. Like Ivysaur and
a Kadabra. All his other cards were trainers. I think he had 17 trainers in
his deck! I woke up after 2 turns and evolved Macop 2 times and now had a
Machamp with 4 fighting energy. I use Switch and kiledl his Jigglypuff. He
had no basics. I win. 1-0.

Match 2: I faced a kid named Paul Larsville. I whipped him bad with a
Kangaskhan. I think he was about to cry when I killed him because he was
playing a Physchic Deck. Kangaskhan's has resistance to physchic. I just 
totally pummeled him with Comet Punch. I'm just glad I didn't use a
Hitmonchan! 2-0

Match 3: I faced a friend named Dan. He was playing an Electric Deck. All
his Pokemon were weak against me. In my first draw I got 2 Hitmonchans and 3
Fighting energy, plus 2 Machop. He Forfitted Faster than I could say, "Who
goes first?"! I was now 3-0.

Match 4: I faced some short, fat kid. I didn't catch his name. He played a
Q-Boy Deck. The official judge came by and diqualified him for using Fake
Cards at an official Wizards Of The Coast Tourney. If felt sort of bad for
him until he gave the judge the bad finger and ran away. I surprises me
about the things 9 year-olds do. I was now 4-0. Yes I was now in the
semi-finals. Wooooo!

Match 5: Is it just me or do they get easier. I faced a guy named Stalvoc.
he was a big russian kid and I was scared if i didn't let him win that he'll
turn me into a human pretzel. He played a wicked Water Deck. He had 3
Blastoise and 4 Gyarados. Luckily for me that in his first draw he got only
a Magikarp and a Blastoise and a Squirtle . I killed Magikarp with a Machop
and His Squirtle with a Machoke before he got a Wartortle. I was surprised
how good sportsmanship he had. He shock my hand after the match. I still
have that big bruise on my palm. Ouch! I am 5-0. I'm off to the Finals and
am Ready.

Match 6: Finals: This was the last match. I faced my friend Shawn and he was
also 5-0. This match was for it all. For the pokeon tourney Championship. He
played a Fighitng Deck like me. I think he copid it from me because the only
deck differance was that he had no Khangaskhans. but he had 3 Snorlax and 1
Clefable. This was a Tuffy: This is How It Went:

First Drw I get a Machop, Machamp, 1 Hitmonchan, 3 Fighting Energy and a
Pokemon Breeder. He had 2 Hitmonchan, 2 Fighting Energy, 2 Machop and a
Bill. I sent out a Hitmonchan against his Hitmonchan. I luckily got first
turn and from then on it was a Jab Contest. I killed his Hitmonchan first,
but mines had only 10 Hp left. I slam a Machamp down on a Machop with 3
Enegries because of Breeder. I sent that out and I fight his 2nd Hitmonchan
and easily defeat it with 1 Seismic Toss and a Pokemon Power Strikes Back. I
use Super Potion and then he slicks out a Machamp against mine. His had 2
enegry. Since I had first attack I brought him down to 40. then He put
another down and retreated it and sent out a Machamp with 4 Energy. I use
Seismic Toss and bring that one down to 40. Then he uses it and brings me
down to 40. We both used pokemon Power Stikes Back and were down to 30. I
use Seismic Toss and Kill his Machamp. I have 3 prizes left. He sends out a
Machamp and has a Charged Kangaskhan on his bench. I kill Machamp and do 10
damage to myself. I now have 20 Hp. He Sends Out Kangaskhan and I use
Seismic Toss To Kill It. I have 1 Prize Left.
He brings out a Clefairy and I use Machamp for the Kill. I win! I am The
Pokemon Champion! 6-0!

I won a 3 Boster which i got a HoloSyther-NonHoloPidgeot-HoloMr.Mime!
YAY! My name is Umar. I am 14 and my e-mail is alakazam2000@hotmail.com