I recently played in a tournament in Fort Collins Colorado at Marshaks House of Fantisy. I Thought it was going to be easy with 28 people showing up at the last one. When I got there 58 people already showed up. At the end there ended up to be 88 people there. I lost two out of 8 matches due to that all the decks I fought were Haymakers and I play a colerless deck. My deck encludes 4 Jigglypuffs for it's lulaby attack 3 Wigglytuffs for it's Do the Wave that dishes out mondo damage 4 Dratinis even though theyb stink Dragonair dosent 4 Dragonairs Hyper beam is the best attack in pokemon right now 2 Clefaires metronome of course 2 Clefables for a H.P. boost on clefairy 2 Kangaskahns for 90 H.P. and comet punch That my 21 Pokemon Trainers 2 super potions 3 Pokemon Trader 3 Prof Oak 1 Computer search Energy 4 Double colerless energy 26 Random energy Thats my deck I hope you'll try it out someday it is really good!