Deja Vu Games
August, 28th 1999 at 2:00PM
Pokemon Sanctioned Tournament

Well it was another week a Deja Vu Games, this week was the highest turn out
this far...9 PEOPLE! WOW! may not seem that much but at least there was one!
  Today I learned that all the tournaments so far should be sanctioned, the
Judge found out that there can be 2 Player Sanctioned tournaments if you
want!  So That was a good thing :)

This week I used a completly new deck!  I used Scott Gerhardt's Haymaker
Potpourri deck....It would be the first time I used Scott's Deck in a
tournament envioroment...So there were bound to be a few bumps here and
there.  I would change it up a bit, but it seemed great the way it is...the
only thing that is different is the name I just call it Super Farmonbuzz.  
Thats something different! <editor's note: I still like Potpourri better *g* -Scott>  :) Well here is the Deck List if you don't know about this Deck yet.

Super Farmonbuzz
Fighting/Psychic/Lighting/Grass/Fire/Colourless (Alot Huh?)

7 Fighting
6 Psychic
6 Lighting
3 Dbl. Colorless

3 Hitmonchan
3 Electabuzz
3 Scyther
3 Mr. Mime
1 Kangaskhan
1 Ponyta

3 Bill
3 Professor Oak
2 Plus Power
2 Energy Removal
3 Super Energy Removal
3 Gust of Wind
2 Item Finder
1 Computer Search
2 Scoop Up

Well thats the deck! Looks strange? Did to me when I first saw but
suprisingly enough it is GREAT! Well its to early for me to tell yet since I
have only used just recently but so far its been doing ok.

Well here is the report to prove that it did good.

ROUND 1-VS Daniel Curri with a Fire/Water Deck

I know him from school and this is his first tournament, knows the basics
but thought DCE counted towards anything, but he learned that it didn't
today...Costed him a game :(  He got a Squirtle, Charmander and Magmar, I
got Scyther, Mr. Mime and Hitmonchan...Sent out Scyther, retreated and sent
out Hitmonchan, attached a Plus Power, Comp Search for another
one...Squirtle is gone...his charmander comes out and Scratchs me and he
uses Charmander as a Temp. Stall while magmar gets ready...he has a Dbl.
Colorless on him and thinks it is a Dbl. Fire...So when he sends it out I
ask him if he knows that he said no and I explained so that mistake costed
him the game since all magmar had was a Dbl. Colorless....He got a few other
basics but all were slow I win easily.
3 Points

ROUND 2-VS Troy S. with Raindance

Easy match. I got Hitmonchan, Mr. Mime and a Kangaskhan....Kangkhan is down
and picks a couple cards for me to get my Electabuzz...Buzz comes in after I
scoop Kangaskhan and tear his Basics apart...he got Blastoise out to kill
Buzz but Mime was ready to take him on easily...his Poliwags stopped mime
but the scyther was on my bench and he couldn't take me
advantage with Weakness and Resistance...
6 Points

ROUND 3-VS Lenny T. (Cousin) with Water/Electric

I helped him make this deck with my cards...he made most of it and it is
alright, but is not a "tournament worthy" deck.  He starts with 1 Seel and
me a Hitmonchan and Scyther.  He is able to get some basics but only Jungle
Pikachus and Eevee's  both weak to fighting so I kill seel off and run
through Pickchu easily then Eevee stalls with tail wag for a turn and is
able to get some more fighting weak pokemon on the bench a eevee which
turned into a unpowered jolteon...So hitmonchan pretty much won the game and
then died to jolteans quick attack but Scyther came a slashed jolteon for
the win.
9 Points

ROUND 4-VS Alex K. (Friend) With a Fighting/Grass

His Deck uses the Wiggly Theme to it...And it is somewhat tuff to beat...but
Hitmonchan and Scyther kill this deck easy...I stall with scyther agaisnt
his hitmonchan while mr. mime and hitmonchan get removal his
pinsirs...and then when im ready scyther slashs and then Mime comes out and
kills Chan and mime continues his rampage on a unpowered pinsir, but then
fat old jiggly rolls out a beats down mime...but Chan comes out a beats down
jiggly and a couple more jigglys...and i think one wiggly...a lot of
jiggly's and wiggly's though...
12 Points

ROUND 5-VS Monica T. (Annoying Sis.) with a Grass Deck...

I get greedy and Prof. Oak early for a Dbl. Colorless for
Ponyta...Nothing...Comp. Search though so i use that and get DCE..kill her
Venonat quickly...but here other venonat evolves to venomoth! dammit no
quick kill here...Then some how she is able to get a ultimate hand with
Oak...Crap Venomoths Venom Powder is succeeding everytime! and Im having
energy problems since I trashed alot of it with that early oak and comp
search....I got 1 prize she got all six...:( That was a big upset...I won
all games before that against her deck...But sometimes I mess up and she
takes advantage.  RECORD: 4-1
12 Points

ROUND 6-VS Cory S. with a Psy deck

Another mess up on my half I would have won but I mess up again! Not my
day...I was leading in prizes majorly and before I was about to Tpunch with
my Buzz to kill an Abra I said Remember to Oak on the next turn since I
didnt want to get rid of my hand yet...SER, Pluspower and some
he goes his Jynx comes and does Meditate for 20...I got draw a card no
basics...damn...i say T punch
heads, 40 damage I can win this next turn, but wait I didnt Oak! I say can I
do something else before I attack Politly he hasnt started his turn yet and
before this I let him do several things after he attacked...He decided to
take advantage and not let me! he meditated again and i thought i
live...wait plus power and he won...oh boy not my day at all...Oh well my
spot for 2nd was locked so it didnt matter that much.
12 Points

So by the end I placed 2nd, My sister placed 1st and my friend Alex placed
3rd...I got of them were 1st Edition...very hard to get here
now...and my sis got 2 1st edition booster and 1 normal one...So all and all
this was the best tournament hosted by Deja Vu yet:) So before I go I would
like to try out some PROPS and SLOPS...this more of a Pokegym thing but why
not do at the Pojo to? :)

PROPS to Deja Vu Games for hosting another low turnout tournament  for
pretty much no profit.

PROPS to Scott for making this amazing deck.

PROPS to Alex for not going crazy when I use Energy Removals every turn.

SLOPS to Cory S. for not letting me Oak.

SLOPS to Me not playing at 100%

So those were the PROPS and SLOPS this week, so until next week, have a nice
day and happy Pokemon playing.

Ryan T.