I enter tornaments at Kevins Cards and comics located in the Tri-County flea maket In NY,Long island. There are ussaly 10-15 poeple playing there. And most of the time I come in first and accasionaly second. Here is the deck Energy: 18X psycic Enery Trainers: 4X Bill (The Rat) 2X Pro Oak 2X Energy retrevels 4X energy removels 2X super energy removels 3X pokemon centers 1X switch 1X Gust of wind 2X computer serch ( Look for Abrams!!) Pokemon: 4X abra 3X Kadabra 2X Alakazam ( The energy mover, MR ABRAMS!) 4X chancey ( 120 for a blasic, a really good damage taker!} 4X Jynx 1X Mewtwo ( The giant killer, Just in case} 2X rattata ( For if someone else is playing a psy deck, he has 30- resistance to psy) 1X ratticate Basicly the point of this deck is to get a alakazam on your bench and someone like jynx or kadabra as your active and make them invincible. after your whole bench is filled up with damage just pokemon center to have a fresh pokemon ready to take damage again. The gust adn ER's are there to try and stop Charlizard decks and evalution dekcs from getting the big guys. You can usaly get Mr.Abrams i mean alakazam out 3rd or 4th turn which makes the deck so good. If you have and qestions just e mail me, heypin@aol.com Joe Dominianni