This deck has played in several tournaments in Overland Park, Kansas at a great shop known as Collector's Cache. These tournaments usually have around 14 people in them. 4 Abra 2 Kadabra 2 Alakazam 2 Chansey 2 Doduo 2 Raichu 4 Pikachu 1 Mewtwo 3 Electabuzz 2 Professor Oak 2 Computer Search 4 Bill 1 Pokémon Trader 1 Pokémon Center 2 Scoop Up 2 Switch 2 Double Colorless Energy 12 Psychic Energy 10 Electric Energy This deck is great and fairly easy to play. The only decks that will really give it a hard time sometimes are Fighting Decks and Energy Removal decks, especially when those two subjects are combined...and in my area, they commonly are. With the Fighting ones you want to focus on the Psychic Pokémon and the Doduo. With Energy Removal decks focus on Electabuzz and other low-energy Pokémon. The point of this deck is to get out a good Pokémon in the front and an Alakazam in the back. This is fairly easy to do. Kadabra, Raichu, Electabuzz, and even Chansey can be good ones to put in the front. Whenever they get damaged, on your turn put the damage in the back row on a big fatty like Chansey. If Chansey gets 11 counters on him, Scoop Up and play him again. If you are really desperate for damage space, you can Pokémon Center. If you put the damage on all Pokémon without energy, this card has no drawbacks. It even works if you just don't have damage on your Active Pokémon. This deck has a lot of card-getting power to fuel your search for the cards you need. Computer Search can get any card at the perfect time, and if you draw a good Pokémon that you can't use, you can put it back in your deck and get another Pokémon you can use. Switch is better for this deck because of the many heavy retreat costs. Also, even if your opponent gets out their potent killing combo, you can usually use Alakazaam, Chansey, Scoop Up and Pokémon Center to stall and deck them, provided you go easy on the Oaks. The decks name, of course, is Spoon Up. This name, for those wondering, comes from the card Scoop Up and the cards of Kadabra and Alakazam, who hold spoons in their hands because they are psychic(psychics bend spoons with their minds, that's why they hold them I guess). I made this deck, and it is very good I think...and the results agree. I have won two tournaments, and placed second an third in almost all the others, losing only to Mono Fighting Energy Removal decks. I hope this helps some people win a few more games. - Bean