Dear Pojo, I played in a tournament at The Tri-County flea market in Levittown, New York.There were 5 people in this tournament and it was double elimination. Also most of the people I played always play and this was my first tournement. My deck is changed from the last time I posted because I added fighting pokemon and it proved to be a good move. My deck is as follows: 10 grass pokemon 3 bulbasaur 1 ivysaur 1 venusaur 2 nidoran 2 nidorino 1 nidoking 11 fighting pokemon 4 machop 3 machoke 2 machamp 2 hitmonchan 4 colorless pokemon 3 farfetch'd 1 chansey Energy: 12 fighting energy 11 grass energy 2 double colorless energy 11Trainer Cards: 4 professor oak 3 bill 2 computer search 1 pokemon breeder 1 pokemon trader 2 energy removal 1 energy retrieval My Report: 1st Round: I played a kid named Douglas who was playing a mono physic deck. Match 1: I don't remember it that well but I know he had an alakazam and kept on moving all the energy from his main pokemon to his pokemon on the bench. I lost! Match 2: a repeat of the first match, except I had no energy left at the end and I lost! Round 2: A kid named Andrew playing a mono electric deck that had 2 zapdoses!!! Match 1: He gets one basic a pikachu: )I get a hitmonchan, can you say first round kill. Match 2: Very different from the first match, because he got both of his zapdoses out and I stalled with a chansey. Then when scrunch didn't work he used a 60 damage attack. I then retreated chansey and brought out a fully pumped venusaur and almost killed him but he used thunder and killed venusaur instantly. So I brought out my chansey because he dint have that much energy left and he finally top-decked. Round 3: Don't remember his name but he played a mono electric deck. Match 1: I only had grass energy in my hand and couldn't get any of my fighting energy out. I lost a few of my pokemon and then had to evolve my machop into a machamp in a hope to get an oak. He then put out a clefairy and used metronome twice and beat me. Match 2: The only basic I got out was nidoran and he had no basics so I got to draw two more: ) , but my whole hand was a nidoran and grass and fighting energy!!!! And he then got an electabuzz and a voltorb. His electabuzz killed my nidoran in 2 turns. The prize was $20 and the two people I lost to, split the prize and they are always there and this was my first tournament : ( My e-mail address is I would appreciate if you gave me some tips that would help me make my deck better : )