Hey pojo, I entered a local tourney on saturday it was at moosy cards and comics in New Jersey here it goes and heres my deck 11 eletric 4 eletabuzz 13 fighting 1 hitmonchan 1 chansey 3 machop 2 mahoke 1 onix 1 machamp 3 far fetch'd trainers 3 gust of wind 2 scoop up 4 bills 2 energy removal 4 super energy removals 2 potion 1 double colorless energy 1 oak 1 plus power equals 24 energys 16 Pokemon 20 trainers 20 people who entered ROUnD 1: game 1 I was playing th is kid who was water/fire, basically all he had was the basic staryu and starmie package with a bunch of useless magikarp, my eletabuzz's ripped him apart before he could do anything. game 2 LoL when he drawed 1 pokemon, a magikarp i killed it easy. ROUND 2 playing against a psy/leaf was a little scared but pulled out i remember cant seem to remember game though ROUND 3 i really remeber this against a fight/eletric my own kind, it was a long battle he quickly drew eletra buzz and stalled the whole game with oniz decking me :-( game 2 I kill him easily wiht far Game 3 Long battle going back and forth but i finally get chansey when he had liek 6 cards and i deck him. SEMIS this battle was easy cause he was all water LOL so my eleta buzz's raped him but still a good deck :-) Finals against a very hard grass/fire he quickly draws charmander a pokemon breeder and charizord oUCH! so his charizard quickly kills my 2 machop and 1 eleta buzz. My only hope was a chansey didnt gert it GRRR he wins 2nd game: he pulls another charizord damn....... as like before he does his worst but at least i get a chansey so i kill the charizord but losing chansey. right about now i had 2 prizes left and him 4 =( He pulls out a beedrill and kills my remaining eletrabuzz and machop damn i lost :-( Well i came in 2nd and got 3 booster packs