I go to school in NYC, and last Friday I played a very original deck of mine
at a tournament at Action Comics. I decided to be original, so I made my
first ever SUPER-STALL 2000 deck. Here it is:
4 Chansey
4 Moltres
22 Fire Energy
4 Imposter Proffesor Oak
4 Defender
4 Clefairy Doll
2 Bill
2 Pokedex
4 Energy Removals
4 Super Energy Removals
2 Pokeball
4 Mysterious Fossil
The goal of this deck is to get your opponent to deck himself. Chansey
stalls, Moltres' Wildfire removes cards, and Impostor Oak discards cards. The
Clefairy Dolls and Mysterious Fossil stall, while defender keeps the pokemon
alive. Pokeball gets me my Moltres' fast, and Bill and Pokedex are a killer
combo when Pokeball fails. The ERs and SERs keep your opponent off balance.
Just look at these results from the tournament (Swiss until the semi-finals,
10 people):

Round 1
I played a Raindance deck. Perfect way to start off the day. I mulliganed a
couple of times (that discards some cards) and I eventually got a Chansey,
Pokeball, 3 Fire Energys, Clefairy Doll and Mysterious Fossil. I start out
with Clefairy Doll, Pokeball for Moltres, and attach an energy to Moltres. He
kills the Doll (oh well ;-) and I put out a Mysterious Fossil and attach an
energy to Moltres. He kills the Fossil, so I draw Impostor Oak and put out
Moltres. I Impostor Oak, and with my great luck, he had his only Blastoise in
his deck in his hand. He was waiting for Wartortle. Then, it's just a matter
of time as I ER and SER to keep him off balance, and use my Defenders,
Wildfire and Impostor Oak to deck him.

Round 2
This guy has a Haymaker. This is where my deck shines proudly. He starts
Hitmonchan, I mulligan 5 or 6 times before getting 2 Moltres. Thats good. I
start again with a Clefairy Doll, and this stalls him enough for me to get a
defender. By the time he gets enough energy to attack (I love you ER and SER)
I have a pair of Impostor Oaks in my hands, Moltres and Chansey each with 2
energy on my bench, and my original Moltres with 10 energy ready to go. I use
both Impostor Oaks and Wildfire, and hes down to his last 10 cards. He kills
Moltres, but I put out Chansey, hoping his Hitmonchan or the Scyther on his
bench won't kill it. He attacks, I scrunch, he attacks, I play defender and
continue to power up my benched  Moltres. 5 turns later he kills Chansey
(Defender rocks) and Moltres Wildfire takes out the rest of his deck. His
turn, decked, I win.

Round 3
I played a nice new idea for a deck, a super bench killer with fossil zapdos
and gengar getting it done. I'm guaranteed a spot in the semi-finals, but I
would love to go in seeded number 1. This wasn't going to happen, though,
because I didn't mulligan, and got a Gust of Wind, Moltres, 4 Energy and 1
Pokeball. I send out Moltres (gulp), he sends out Zapdos and does 40 (he won
the toss). I Pokeball, flip a coin, and
it's................................TAILS. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I draw a
defender, play it, and he does 20 to me. I draw an energy, but that does me
no good, and he kills me. No basics, he wins.

Round 4
This is the semis. I play a guy with a fire electric deck, with Magmar and
Zapdos fossil leading the charge. He also had a Charizard (perfect for ERs).
I mulliganed more times, 7, than I had in any one round the rest of the day.
Moltres and Chansey were the 2 pokemon I got, and a pair of Clefairy Dolls
and 3 energy. I play my usual style, stall big time, set up Wildfire,
Impostor Oak, Chansey+Defender= SUPER STALL, and I win again.

Round 5
This is it. The finals. I played another Haymaker, but this one had
Hitmonchan, Scyther, Electabuzz and Pinsir. Pinsir? Well, I got two Chanseys,
and a Mysterious Fossil with some energy, and he got out a Pinsir and
Himonchan. He starts with Pinsir when he sees that I start a Mysterious
Fossil. I thought, his mistake, but I was wrong because he powered up the
Pinsir, killed the Mysterious Fossil, PlusPowered, and killed both of my
Chanseys. I had a Moltres, and Dive Bombed for the kill, but his Electabuzz
and Scyther and bad flips did me in. No basics (what a way to lose) and I

My deck did ok, but it needs an attack pokemon or two. Maybe some Magmars and
Ponytas to kill their Scythers and Pinsirs, and taking out those Gust of
Winds which didn't do me too much good. Oh, well. I got two fossil boosters,
and got nothing out of them. Now it's time for the best part of the post,
To Pojo, for being the best Pokemon page there is. Pojosama rules.
To the guy with a Pinsir in his haymaker. Nice twist on an otherwise boring
To action comics, for having the tournament.
To the Yankees, for winning the World Series.
To all of the unoriginal decks out there. Make up something new. Experiment,
like me. Online tournaments help a lot.
To all of the other pokemon pages out there, for not being nearly as good as

I hope you like my deck. E-mail me with questions, comments, sales and trades
at: AuSeNsTrAk@aol.com